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Prime Computer adverts edition

Clyde Langer:

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bbc presents:

Clyde Langer

I was going to use a zipwire earlier but there were two people upon the path towards it. I walked a different way, then came back, yet they had only traversed a short distance - and worse, were coming back! I went around another alternative route, to approach from the other side, yet when I arrived, there lurked a child and adult. The child was sat upon the ground with a stick, intending the mud with some symbols. The man stood stern and watchful. I meandered past and away, my main plight unfulfilled.

Clyde Langer


Two episodes to go and only now does the Doctor change into something better. Fucking Chibs.

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Is doctor who popular anywhere outside of Britain? Feels like it was close to being a thing in America but new episodes come out when ever the fuck the bbc feels like it, and they haven't earned that loyal audience here yet so it's like it was all just pissed away and forgotten

My Doctor.

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Twenty days, will chibbers redeem himself, or will it be be same old shit?

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be the same old shit*

i can't even believe this programme is back on the telly

remember when it was always this big mad event? i know i'm getting old but even the normals/kids don't care now. felt really bad for Jodie Whittaker on Graham Norton because she's so nice, but "...the NEW series of Doctor Who, ladies and gentlemen!" used to get raucous applause.

don't think it's just the covid i think people have gone off it.

so to answer , no. it's not popular anywhere.

'You slapped me'

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The Prime Computers adverts are great! It was never explained where that room was in the TARDIS.
"Clever Prime."
"You can say that again."
"Clever Prime."

A most familiar passage. I did not go there today.

Doctor Who has a worldwide audience, supposedly.

That is a great image. Doctor Who and Silurians is great. The Sea Devils is superior. Warriors of the Deep was awful. The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood was also mostly bad.

The machine that forced the teleporting bracelet onto the Doctor's wrist in Face the Raven was quite poorly done. Ashildr should have forced it onto him herself or with some guards, not via some elaborate machine. Face the Raven is all right, some of the music was great.


The Mind Robber is a great story. The Mind Robber was Troughton's favourite story, of those that were his own. The Mind Robber has a character called the Master, although this is not the same as the Master from Terror of the Autons, supposedly. Nevertheless, upon the pronouncement of the villain's name, a great effect is created.

How many versions of batman would Land of Fiction have?

>he's still here

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I do not know, probably one. The Mind Robber features a different version of Jamie (a technique the Revived Series ought to employ at some point), Gulliver, Rapunzel, the Medusa (which was most frightening the first time I saw it), Karkus, Redcoat, Cyrano, Captain Blackbeard and D'Artagnan.

>Doesn't have a single bad episode
How did he do it?

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The Long Game is the worst Ninth Doctor story, yet still is it required to fully appreciate the ongoing ideas in the series. The consistently high quality of the Ninth Doctor's stories was not a result of Eccleston as much as it was a result of RTD, the other writers and directors, primarily. Perhaps the implication that only one series was to occur led to a greater desire to make it a great series, though, in actuality, all series are intended to be great, obviously.

so did McGann ahd Hurt

Reminder that if you don't leave in two days then you're a liar and we can abuse you all we want

What's on the newspaper?


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The Eighth Doctor's story would have been superior, had less of it taken place inside the hospital. The motorbike chase was fun apart from the time I was banned whilst watching it.

And the difference will be...? I intend to leave on the 31st of March. Smith and Jones was broadcast upon the 31st of March, 2007.

An unauthorised photograph of Margaret Blaine. The Doctor just steals it from someone, most impolite. At least Martha did not have to steal a newspaper to read it in Daleks in Manhattan.

It isn't, that character wouldn't be created for another three years, don't be a spastic.


Is this the greatest example of foreshadowing?

One cannot stop being a spastic if they are, to my knowledge. I am not a spastic. Of course, it was not the intention at the time of writing The Mind Robber to make the Master of that story the Master of more well-known status, but in hindsight it is fun to consider their relation, retroactively. The same idea applies to the War Chief from The War Games.

Akin to the notion of the Master just discussed, it is an even greater coincidence, most likely, certainly not intended by the writers of that scene.

Can't wait until easter it's been a good while since I saw some good bbc programming