Petrol prices are 22 NOK (2.18€) per litre

Petrol prices are 22 NOK (2.18€) per litre
($8.83 per gallon)

We suffer in Norway.
Do you suffer in you're cunt?

Attached: bensinpriser.jpg (374x257, 36.34K)

horefittenegerlandet norge hater borgerne sine
ikke akkurat nyheter, tjommi

No I don't suffer because I'll be visiting Norway soon

That's 17% higher than this hellhole, but you make at least 178x as much a month.
You don't suffer, you have never suffered, you don't have the faintest idea what suffering is.

Ye will be alright. With the money ye save from leaving yeer house guests go hungry ye should be well able to afford petrol.

>(2.18€) per litre
>5k eur avg salary
your gas is extremely cheap

I can get E85 (15% ethanol mix) for $3.83 / gallon here

Attached: EA6E39BE-676C-4EB1-B911-950BE82A73BE.jpg (1170x999, 529.94K)

Everything here is more expensive, including food and rent.

Why do you think we meticulously plan our meals and only make precise portions? Everything is so god damned expensive.

How come does that happen to a petrol-exporting nation

>We suffer in Norway.
No you don't
Now pay up

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>5k eur avg salary
Before taxes

gas is reasonable priced for adult with decent salaries?
why the fuck would I care as a student?
why would a cashier care?

Demand and supply
Russian oil is off the market, so suppliers can raise prices.

even with 50% income tax your gas prices would still be extremely cheap

you have good public transport (probably)
fuck off

Wtf pastabro. It’s extremely expensive to fill my 4 cars

US median household income is $67,521 and gas prices are currently below $5 per gallon. You're being disingenuous.

Attached: gas-brainlet.png (300x149, 16.26K)

>you have good public transport (probably)
And these don't run on petrol?? kek

Ticket prices increased with 30% since last year, and they cut the number of departures with up to half on some routes.

Generosity is possible for anyone. No excuses.

On topic though, you should try getting "green/agricultural diesel" if such a thing exists in your country. It is cheap diesel they sell to farmers, less tax on it than regular diesel. Of course it's illegal, but it's worth the risk.

It's 5kr cheaper, less than a dollar
So wow, it's only 7 dollar and something per gallon
What a steal!

>Generosity is possible for anyone.
That's why we give 3% of our GDP to African countries. Why should we in addition to this also start personally feeding all the african children that come here as refugees?

we have 2.5€/l

Yeah, I think you guys are probably worse after the cut off.

Attached: itsover-soy.jpg (147x195, 5.6K)