Is IHDI a good measure or is it a meme?

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no, Thailand is better than almost all greens

It's somewhat better than just HDI

Looks good to me and more logical than regular HDI, for example it stops random Latin American shitholes from looking better than Eastern European countries, just because there is a small number of rich people living luxuriously while everyone else there lives in favelas, which skews the statistics.

We're Kazakhstan-tier I can confirm

you're riding horses and have arranged weddings?

meme, only thing that matters is disposable income

>Looks good to me and more logical than regular HDI
No it isn't it makes Slovenia look like heaven for some reason

we are not dark red so it must be shit

vgh my steppe brothers

Because it is comparatively better than

Slovenia is great
10 times better than England honestly


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It's somewhat of a meme because it assumes that education is a good thing
I would be 10 times happier if everyone around me was illiterate

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>thai = china = mongolia
>chile = argentina
>slovakia > italy, spain
it's poo

Upon closer inspection I think you're right, it does fuck up when it comes to some countries, but I like it for other ones.

No way we're so high

>don't know how lorenz curve works

high Gini doesn't mean high poverty.

basically, yes, IDHI is a meme made by lefties.

OP here

Inequality/GINI can lead to suicide(if you're rich you don't have to care, fair point) however also homicides and robberies(unsafe neighborhoods and countries, even for the rich)

I think inequality is part of the reason why US school shooting are so common, for example. There are many countries that allow guns as much as US, however the school shooting are near to nil.

I would agree, it's a bit of a leftie meme. More equality leads to less rewarding of merit, and de-incentivizes work. On the other hand, it can lead to aggressive competition which actually destroys value as opposed to increasing it.

It's hard to say, that's why I'm asking.
