Americans choice to suffer

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I lived for 2 years spending less than 3000 euros a year, how the fuck do these people manage to do this?

the cost of not living next to savage negros.

>spending less than 3000 euros a year

I love comfortably on 25k euros a year. America is wasted on Americans.

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no hobbies, no vacation, no health bills, i basically lived as a schizoid hermit think rural hillbilly town is more expensive than LA?

but how did you pay for food and rent?

People making 250k aren't living in rural hillbilly town

That's where my expenses went to

It costs a lot of money to live a normal life in Palo Alto or Manhattan

thats the point

America is a 'keeping up with the Jones'' the country. We'll bankrupt ourselves to keep up the status war.

how the hell is rent that cheap?

is the cost of living that insane or americans use dollars to warm the house?

As they say, "mo' money. mo' problems."

But really, I've seen the budgeting of these people and my own. I don't have a lot of petty cash, because I don't allocate for it in my budget. I put it towards various saving/retirement accounts. If I wanted, I could be a dipshit that blows my check on various useless trinkets, but I don't and I doubt a lot of these people do either.


If you’re making 250K you’re likely a homeowner and in the US that means the majority of your paycheck is going to a mortgage and the rest is split up among various bills/ insurance/ education/ gas/ bullshit.

Debt and over extended debt and loans and interest and debt.


>be American
>make $4000/mo
>live in house/apartment that costs $1500/mo
>drive a car that costs $500/mo
>get a raise so that you're now making $5000/mo
>immediately go out and buy a house that costs $2250/mo. and a car that costs $750/mo.
>wonder why you aren't able to save more money despite making more money

90% of us live this way


We have atrocious money management skills.