Whats preventing eurooeans to make a law to kick brownpipo and muslims out of europe...

Whats preventing eurooeans to make a law to kick brownpipo and muslims out of europe? 500 years ago we had a law like this, why not in 2022?

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Women have the right to vote and we've become too mentally weak and compassionate to do such a thing.

500 years ago you'd also have to live as a serf and work for free for your landowner

And what's the Euro Union supposed to do with you?

Nothing. No other nation would care and in fact most would respect us more.

>Whats preventing eurooeans to make a law to kick brownpipo and muslims out of europe? 500 years ago we had a law like this, why not in 2022?
Because Europeans aren't prehistorical cavemen spaniards.

>Whats preventing eurooeans to make a law to kick brownpipo and muslims out of europe?
A civil war.

user, he's not proposing to turn the clock of time back 500 years, just to reintroduce a law from back then. We don't have to go back into medieval times

Because it's racist
You aren't racist, are you?

>Blaming women

Lol, more zoomie girls vote AfD than boomer men. Boomer oldfags fearing their pensions are responsible, ironically our budget is now being wasted on refugees that could've saved the pension system.

Serfs had a fundamental right not to be removed from the land they occupied unlike us, don't make the mistake of assuming you have more rights than a medieval peasant. Europeans losing their rights and freedom is a very recent thing.

don't project Germany onto the rest of yurop, Karsten

we need workers to do all the jobs nobody here wants to do anymore

We don't do that here chud, kill yourself.

I get kicked first

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>more zoomie girls vote AfD than boomer men

Not to mention that immigrants do not impede anyone's life.
Being 0.001% of a population would be fine only if the state media didn't villainize you thus compromise your security and safety or if the majority were to become violent towards you.

I propose a mandatory civil service for all citizens of age. It will take 1-2 years and its purpose will be to do exactly those jobs immigrants do now. We need to take responsibility for ourselves


Watch from 2:00.

Then don't project nearly full white Switzerland on to Europe? You are not even in the EU you are not suffering.

>Serfs had a fundamental right not to be removed from the land they occupied unlike us, don't make the mistake of assuming you have more rights than a medieval peasant. Europeans losing their rights and freedom is a very recent thing.

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Pffft, you mean investors need your wages low and boomer administratorss need to pay subminimum wage to caretakers.

Peasants were beasts of the field.


>25% foreign population
>full white
we suffer the most. no country has a higher percentage than us except for meme states like monaco

See post above. You are owned by Blackrock and have less rights than medieval serfs.

Last time we tried to get rid of desert people all of Europe, North America and Russia teamed up to stop us. White cucks just love their multicultural dystopia there's nothing we can do

>Serfs had a fundamental right not to be removed from the land they occupied unlike us, don't make the mistake of assuming you have more rights than a medieval peasant. Europeans losing their rights and freedom is a very recent thing.

why are alt-righters so retarded and then end up like this


>Not to mention that immigrants do not impede anyone's life.
Except for the rapes, terrorism and crime they statistically do more of than natives. Nevermind burdening welfare state to its limits meaning that the comfy system our forebears fought for is going to be destroyed.

Incel culture is a psyop that attempts to alienate European men from women. It doesn't work in countries were younger generations are already united in alienation simply due to being white.

>just to reintroduce a law from back then

this one law was a result of the whole set of other laws and just medieval mentality, you can't separate it

I'm not alt right, I vote Green (only party that stands up against Russia and China) you dumbfuck.

I'm literally citing a historian, watch the video you ignorant cuck.

To be fair, it isn't as easy to get the Swiss pass like the other ones, so statistically there are more foreigners in Switzerland.
Medieval serfs were fucking owned by their landlord you stupid fuck. Do you know what Leibeigner means? Fuck Blackrock but you have no idea of history if you actually think that serfs had it better.

europe is transforming into a society with a caste system where whites become elite aristocracy and the undesirables are african and middle eastern immigrants

Even more. Impropose that all citizens of European countries (including brownies with nationality) had the duty to do a militar service for 2 years having to kiss the national flag evrry morning and attending to daily church services (I am atheist). If not, they will have the nationality removed and kicked out of the country (with their families).

With this, 90% of muslims will be removed.

Also a law to remove nationality and kick out of the country all politicians that pass laws that promote further massive inmigrstion from alien cultures.


If the media made no mention of race or ethnic origin or national belonging then population numbers don't matter you could have a non sectarian society like latin america where race is not part of the news.

>Europeans are losing their rights and freedom
>I'm not alt right

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nobody is giving your shitty video views, chud.

What if they were all law abiding citizens and not a burden for the welfare state? Would you still dislike them? If so because they're brown or simply because they aren't native.
If it's because they aren't native, what do you think about North American countries - being Mexico an exception, of course.


these what ifs are useless questions, they are shit people always have been and always will be.

i watched it, chud

>Not to mention that immigrants do not impede anyone's life.
Except for constantly demanding that women not be seen in public spaces and sexually aussaulting them when do, committing 6k knife attacks annually, attacking churches, vandalising graveyards.

I'm leftist and Europeans ARE loosing their freedoms. Freedom to walk unmolested at night, freedom to walk hand in hand with your same sex partner in certain areas. Freedom to have christmas fairs without huge security apparatus being there. This is all third world immigrants fault.

Spain and south italy is brown, so what are we supposed to do with you? ALso france by now is black and muslim.

Sorry, but you are really retarded if you think natives don't want those jobs. They want those jobs, they just also want a fair, livable wage.

Its nit because being brown... its because the problem are gypsies and muslims and coincidentaly these are brown

Ok. What about Asians and Latin America immigrants?

>Would you still dislike them?
Ofc not. I have nothing against work based immigration that integrates into the culture. The problem immigration isn't work based tho, it is economic migrants coming here from third world with no applicable education and cultures that have extremist leanings.

But im native euro so i can be whatever color i please

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>freedom to walk hand in hand with your same sex partner in certain areas

disgusting sodomites