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>Any Forumsand

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So this is how you spend the EU gibs

Yes, maybe, what gibs? The account is empty.

>an empty castle with no real monarch

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this was built by Germans for Germans and with German money

Bolko? From the Piast dynasty? German? Hmmm

The castle like we see it today was build in 18-19th century. What some Polish duke could have built 800 years ago could be a wooden-stone fortification at best.

Polish nationalists be like

>Real Lwów was built by Poles, what that Ruthenian duke built was just only a small wooden town

>Polish dukes built literally everything in the land what Germans occupied later on so not even one building there was built by Germans even if they actually reconstructed the whole structure of the building

By that logic Malbork was built by Poles for Poles. Shit the fuck up cuck

>By that logic Malbork was built by Poles for Poles.

Yes, it kinda was, it's an artificial post-WW2 structure with little authenticity. No one denies it. The same can be said about the Olsztyn's market square or Gdańsk's Main Town for instance.

O, dzień dobry widzę anonek z łomży już się sra bo op zapostowal cos nie z jego wschodniego kurwidołka.

Lmao the guy is a schizo

Nie jestem z Łomży ale Łomża ma w sobie więcej autentyczności niż Gdańsk, przynajmniej łomżyńska katedra jest w większym stopniu oryginalna niż Katedra Mariacka w Gdańsku

O jak jebie wschodnim gównem i kutią. Czyżby był tu wschodnipoolak???


Łomża to historyczne, etniczne i dialektalne Mazowsze, nikt tam nie je prawosławnych potraw i generalnie prawosławnych tam nie ma (i się ich niespecjalnie lubi). Łomża była jednym z głównych mazowieckich grodów i pod tym względem przewyższa ważnością Olsztyn o lata świetlne.

>make a thread in english
>start speaking moonspeak half-way through

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>Chrumchrum konon coś tam
Lecz się podlasiak lmao

As someone from Wrocław with a granny in Wałbrzych I just wanted to say that I don't even know the names of the shitholes poland has in the east nor do I care about their constantly whining, PiS worshipping and gibsfed people. Stay jelly lmaoooolllllllooolllllll