Which will you belive korea or Japan?

Which will you belive korea or Japan?

K: The sea between Japan and Korea is named East sea. Not Sea of Japan.
J : its Sea of Japan.

K :japanese martial aets is originated from ancient Korean martial arts like teakwondo ,teakkyon , hawarangdo, subak and hapkido.
J :Korean martial arts is made after japanese martial arts after ww2 except korean bows. and hawarangdo has no any real record as martial arts. Tekkyon is just foot stamping game.

K :comfort woman was sex slave who was mass kidnapped and raped and massacred by jpn army
J : comfort woman was sold by own parents to local Korean brothel and Jpn army used the local Korean brothals. Its war criminals indeed but Korean is exaggerating.

K:Dokdo is korea!
J: Takeshima is Japan based on San Francisco treaty.

K :Jpn emperor is descendants of Beakje and its Korean
J :there is one princess from Korea as a wife of japanese emperor and it is only real record between Korea and imperial family. Emperor is clearly Japonic race who settled ancient japan.

K : ancient japan was colony of Korea
J : there is a lot of peninsular Japonic who is staying ancient Korea and southern part of around Kaya had Japonic military base.There is japaneee key holl kofun tombs as tombs of elite japanese at japanese base of ancient korea.

K:japaneee sakura is originated Korea
J :japanese sakura somei cherry is artificial tree made by japanese wild cherry. It’s scientifically proven already

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Almost everything what korean was used to say was all fake news based on anti japanese statements of them

Bro, shut up I don't give a fuck about which ching Chong is the right in your bullshit.
Stop courting death

I made an appointment with a therapist next week Friday.
I hope the meds will make me stay away from this board for good.

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Are you the hangul schizo

Which will you belive seriously?

How is the mental health care in Korea. It's terrible here. I'm the only young person at my clinic and everyone at the clinic is old and far gone mentally. It's like such a taboo to address mental health they only go once they are old and broken beyond repair


Almost everything what korean was saying was fake news
Oh my gosh what a lier gooks are

Time to nuke Korea and India

I believe Japan.

Simple as.

You already made two schizo threads today and reached the schizo thread limit for the day. Give us a rest.

Hey explain why is korean was so lieing about japan? Inferiority complex?

Japan = China >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K*rea.

>sea of japan
doesn't matter

>origin of martial arts
japanese martial arts is from okinawa which sourced from china

>comfort women

territory belongs to those who can protect it.



cherry blossoms exist in that region

Unironically who cares, we banter with Australia about them stealing our shit like pavlova but nobody really cares at the end of the day
Agree to disagree

>>origin of martial arts
>japanese martial arts is from okinawa which sourced from china

Its karate
Kenjitsu and jiujitsu is japanese martial arts which developed naturally from war fild of japan

And comfort woman was prostituters

Why it matter Because South Korean is using Victimhood natinalisim and anti-japan-fundamentalism for the politics of thire benefits.

At 2018 and 2021 again the Korean court decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea.
Each of the "220,000"of korean people is asking at least "$89,051.50 = ¥10000000".

Japan already paid huge amount of money to Korea and apologized countless times, AND why koreans are keep on asking such a stupidly huge amount of the money again and again even at 2021.This is the hypocritical act of them.

And they are started to hold the properties of japanese company in Korea by force so japan started to do the economical sanctions on Korea nowadays

but japan is investing and strengthen economical relationships with Taiwan to against CCP because Taiwan is not using anti japan fundamentalism for the politics and victimfoot natinalisim as like SKorean is doing.

stop denying war crimes then

Japan needs to team up with China (including Taiwan), Vietnam, SEA and North Korea and shut boytoy k*rean up.


Truth of ww2 is this
Besically allies supported empire of japan before ww2 to take profits and rights of control of Manchuria from Russia and China.

Allies was using Japan as underdogs of proxy war

At first they Set The Anglo-Japanese Alliance which is a military alliance between Japan and Britain On January 30, 1902,
>in order to counter the Russian Empire's policy of entering the Far East.

The UK supported and actively helped by providing weapons , half of the War expenses and battle ships to THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN

Japan defeat of Russia in 1905 by the help from UK

And USA helped japan to have the peace process with Russia

But japan did not give enough intarests of Manchuria to allies, japan afraid they will attack japan from Manchuria

So allies ,especially international bankers,
get huge anger by it.
Allies did hardest economical sanctions on japan ,based on the Hull note.

Japan lost the suppey chain of the oil and iron. And almost being dead nation of hell.

Also chinese military and terrorist started to attack japan at Manchuria by support of the Allies

As the result, Japan had to go to South East Asia , Central China and Central Asia to obtain the oil and iron by expanding the war in despair and had to kick the European colonists out from Asia to survive no matter what

But USA had military base at Hawaii which is very near of japan
So japan did Pearl Harbor as self defense purpose which just attacked military base and not aimed at civilians.

USA used this as reason of attack japan as like exactly the same tactics of 911

USA did mass carpet bombing of Tokyo ,Osaka and every big city of japan and huge amounts of civilians were dead in fire.

And USA wanted to shot The Nclear weapon as an experiments to make the situation of cold war with Soviet to avoid full contact war

So unnecessary two atomic bomb was dropped on japan.

900,000 civilians were dead by the result of Atomic bomb and carpet bombing.

Japanese need to know that the USA is Japan's main enemy.
S. Korea is America's colony propped up to counter Japan.

Japan needs to team up with China and destroy S. Korea.

Japan convinced me, korea lost

So After the ww2 , Allies nations have to justify own war criminals of massacred civilians,
So, pick the battle of japan and china at Nanking and exaggerated it more than as it really was and made it sound like a warse war criminals at Tokyo trials, as so-called-Nanking-massacre

Also after the Tokyo trial , the unit 731 (basically at first, this issue was rised at the Khabarovsk-propaganda-trials for the justification of Soviet and USA picked it up and used it) and comfort woman (it was just a local prostituter who were sold by own parents and were working under the Korean Brothel which worked for japanese army) was exaggerated its information as propaganda and allies justified own war criminals of ww2 by them.

Commarcialed them as propaganda all over the world and this view of history made by winners was continued until now as a post war ideology.

Yeah I dunno. I'd always heard Japan was revisionist and didn't truly acknowledge its actions in WW2
At the same time, it was a long time ago and i'd rather everyone just moves on, so it sounds like SK is being pretty cringe.

I dunno. I suppose in your position i'd just be apolitical on it and let the retards/boomers from both countries squabble over nothing

don’t waste your time on him, he only posts the same 10 copy pastes all day

Is this the rumored Japanese Nettouyoku thread?
(What kind of joke will you make this time? ) I always look interesting.

From Kenmomen

Bro ill tell you that ideology after ww2 is really a propaganda from the first, read this summary Korean is just using this situation of ideology of pre ww2 as own benefits of money and politics until now

Everything on this world is based on politics and money matters

Just wake up and destroy the ideology of ww2 pls or else more and more communists aggressions will be problems and we democracy nations can not team up well because of ideology of ww2
In fact korean always reject military co training with japan and usa until now because of japanese war criminals or such shit reason