The reason why you will NEVER learn this language is because in your mind you think that swear words is something bad...

The reason why you will NEVER learn this language is because in your mind you think that swear words is something bad, something of filth and that you shouldn't be using them
You will never be able to rewire your brain to understand swearings in russian and why they're used in normal speech

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Never cared about Russian

I think cyrillic alphabet is a big reason why I will never learn it. Also, I've never visited Russia and see no reason to learn Russian

cyrilic is literally the easiest part, it take 2 hours to learn it for life

The tricky part is grammar

t, village bydlo

>because in your mind you think that swear words is something bad, something of filth and that you shouldn't be using them
it's complete opposite, in english swear words are used regularly in day to day life by all socio-economic classes, as well as in movies, tv shows, all kinds of media, you name it

in russian(or ukrainian for that matter) swear words are taboo, you rarely hear them in public, and if some person's speech is littered with cuss words everyone around knows that person is a clear cut bydlo

>noooooo mat is bad because... because the books say so!!!!!!
>you can't use what's been in the language for a thousand years!!!!!! you will appear UNEDUCATED!!!!!!!
Mнe пoхyй

Is Ukraine really that different?..

not it's the same

Only place I still see swearwords being censored are in Russian texts like бл*дь

It's jut an indicator of dramatically poor social class.

0 reasons to use swear words outside of extreme cirumstances.

Extensive use of obscene lexis leads to decrease of it's expressivity

Maybe, I don't know. But they look foreign, and I bet it would be a pain in the ass to try and write them on a normal keyboard

imagine being unable to learn grammar kek

Idk, I refused to swear up until the age of 16 because it felt wrong to me
I don't like using vulgar language that much

Try it
Also writing is super easy once you learn that a is the left "nibble" on your keyboard and o is the right one and what keys are around it. Spelling is harder

ill never learn it because the grammar is fucked

1 гoд и я нe пoнимaю дaтeльный пaдeж >:(


Attached: pathetic.jpg (720x540, 117.21K)

What don't u understand?

Я oтдaю книгy нeгpy

how to use пo.

it seems so random to me

to whom