Be american

>be american
>go to hospital
>get shot

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>be Iranian
>mourn the death of a terrorist
>get trampled

I was waiting for someone to this thread

do they really?


>be finn
>go to hospital
>get flu shot

Utterly based

What's with mass shootings nowadays? Don't wanna sound like an insensitive dickhead but they happen every other day and it's sad. They've lost all of their shock value because of how frequently they happen.

Was it an incel this time? An excess of melanin? A troubled youth?

>American shooting happens
>other countries ban guns

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This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. I don't know hoe adern or trudeau can take themselves seriously, or anyone in there cunts can. Its definetely not a good way to run a country, legislate for problems that have nothing to do with your cunt and didnt happen to them.

they really do

I'm convinced that NZ/Canada exist solely to appease Reddit at this point

why don't they ever shoot me, fuckers

>you're not allowed to learn from the mistakes of other countries

It’s feminized men in charge having very emotional reactions these mass shootings are the best example of this they make up barely any of gun deaths but are the biggest stories. The progressive solution is to ban guns so instead of some mentally ill freak shooting people he’s just a mentally I’ll guy who wants to kill people clearly the first thing that went wrong is some guy being too far gone he wants to shoot people.

Heh. Sissy boy!

Yes. If you're cunt already has completely different gun laws and culture then then responding to a problem that only happens in a cunt with very different reapity around guns. That's like copying suadi arabia when it comes to public spending even if you don't have lots of oil.

Canada has occasional shootings too.

>amerilards are now turning on canadians because of their own incompetency
I hate americans so much, what a bunch of retards.

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If that’s what you want to call making fun of them because their government makes drastic laws with long lasting consequences because of things that happened here kek

That's how they cope with being a shithole.

At least if you get shot in the hospital, you don't have to pay the hospital bill

Almost like there's a global hidden agenda...

Oh he doesnt know...most Western countries consider America as a backwards country run by bigotted rednecks. So they do things to out-woke Ameeica and show how they are more profressive than america. It's quite cringe how this works but this is how it works.

Literally white genocide