America has Canada

America has Canada
Vietnam has China
Germany has Austria
Malaysia has Singapore
Indonesia has no one

Is your country an only child too?

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I thought you had flips

No, the Philippines has many brothers in LATAM
We have no one

you have Brunei and Papua

wut about australia

indogs, malings and peenoise are basically these

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All of Maritime SEA is our younger brother, indobro
Well except Philippines, fuck those spic-larping pagpag consumer

Most of Central America gained independence alongside with us, does that count?

not related at all
there is nothing about us that is similar to any of these countries
we are one of a kind
Yes, Mexico has many brothers

New Zealand

Russia has Belarus, South Ossetia (soon to be just Ossetia), Abkhazia, Novorossia, Pridnestrovie and also child in denial Ukraine

Uhh... Timor Leste?

not similar at all
but they are an only child too, like us.

this... this is the correct answer

Indonesia has Malaysia?

Suriname then, happy?

Don't you dare stand where he stood.

a country thousands of kilometers away
you are stupid
might as well say congo
no, there is nothing similar about us. we are just neighbors. they are brothers with Singapore though.

Then what constitutes as brother you dumbass?
>Javanese people? Suriname has them
>Malay culture? There are Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei
>Archipelagic country in SEA? There's Philippines
What is it, Being poor and brown? Brazil then

its the attention whoring indog thread newfag, dont bother

you guys are the russia of sea

you are very stupid and dumb. by your metric the whole world is brothers. fuck your globohomo bullshit.

Russia has many brothers

Then explain to me what's constitutes as "brother" then?