I saw civilian carrying firearms only once in my entire life

I saw civilian carrying firearms only once in my entire life
Does this happen in your country too?

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I see cops carrying guns all the time.

only drug traffickers

This may sound weird but I unironically have never seen a civilian carrying a gun


only when hunting

I saw lots of civilian carrying rifle firearms, I live near mountains and we hunt boars sometime

Where do you live user?

I see civilians carrying firearms at minimum every Saturday for 2 months ever Autumn.

it was probably an american tourists trying to score some ladyboys

cops aren't civilians.


Cops are civlians.

Yes they are. If you aren't in the military, you are a civilian.

>Cops are civilians
Sure they don't act like one

>Every Saturday
Huh, why?

Every single person in my community open carries a gun. It would be weird to see someone without one here

Every time i witness how other Asian countries react over civilians owning guns I am always reminded of how weird we are that we dont fucking care.

my grandpa has an old gun, but other than cops ive never seen someone carryng guns here

Because you are spiritually LATAM

The term "civilian" is imprecise and many police departments (and other uniformed civil service sectors) refer to the general public as "civilians" (as opposed to themselves). Just clarify what you mean if necessary to avoid confusion, but otherwise context is obvious so don't get hung up on trivial definitions.

Gun laws regarding public carrying in the U.S. can be weird from state to state. There are two directly contradictory philosophies: open-carry only (in which to concealed carry is a crime), and concealed-carry only (in which to open carry is a crime, generally brandishing), and of course many jurisdictions with a mix of policies in between and various licenses.

But the philosophical debate is interesting because the data aren't really clear. If all handgun owners (with license to public carry) have to open-carry, does that deter crime? Does it make people more edgy in a manner that carries measurable negative externalities? If they all have to concealed-carry, does that have a lesser deterrent, if any? What percentage of the population has to be carrying for any such deterrent or externality effect to occur? The research on all of this is not at all definitive.

I’ve seen a few guys with a hip holster for a pistol. Generally people concealed carry here,

Civilian as in the general public, not counting the police or the army of course

Yes they are. Cops like to pretend it's an "us vs. them" scenario which is huge part of the problem in US policing.

It's all be moot soon enough.