The only successful colonies in history are the Anglo ones

>the only successful colonies in history are the Anglo ones

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define successful

Brasil is successful

the anglos are a Franco German mutt colony

I was about to mention subsaharan africa but even in SSA the best countries (kenya, ghana, botswana, nigeria) are the anglo colonies.

Is over

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Aside from New Zealand, what other anglo colonies is successful?

If ass-blasted-ness was a resource to be cultivated, Japan certainly did ok.

mexico is succesful

Japanese colonies are also successful sweetie



place where you can walk in the streets without being shot or mugged?
dunno, maybe those simple things you know

at least we are noble citizens of our own land
our ancestors are literally native while other new worlders are eternal immigrants in their own country

Brazil and USA
not much difference


Because the anglos used settler colonialism and genocided native populations, unlike the spanish who intermingled with the locals and the french who only applied their rule to them without even touching the local population


New Orleans

anglos are the only people who wanted to fuck off from their island to colonies, or so it seems

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Spain also genocided their natives

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Japanese colonies turned out fine

Bangladesh,Jamaica, India, Nigeria, etc are ex anglo colonies.

Spain excolonies also include California, Florida, Luxembourg, Netherlands, or places that were richer in 1800s than any European country like Cuba or Argentina.

You mistake populating unhabited lands (Canada and Australia) with being excolonies. If Mexico was 100% Spanish by genetics would be a world power.