
peil einjal edition

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earlobe holes too stretched
she's been wearing hoop earrings her entire life in order to attract maymoons

How do I find old Balk posts?

I want to reread some shit that I wrote some time ago.
I'm too dumb to use the archive.
How do you use the desuarchive?
When I put /balk/ in the subject thingy nothing comes up.

If I bring home a pejl blond ejndzhel from Sweden, everyone in my high school generation will gossip about my success

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Ideal wife

Busty, blonde, blue eyed, pale, soft skin, long haired, racially pure, teen, virgin, appealing pink vagina, no body hair, beautiful, can cook, rich, wants kids, racist, asexual, shy, no tattoos or piercings, christian orthodox, submissive, has never travelled abroad, has never used drugs, doesn't smoke or drink alcohol

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You won't lure the fat moon here unless you're a Greek who LARPs as having a peil vardzin einjel sistr.

add flag bosnia

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Oh I kept adding the / on the begginging and the end haha

Marcus doesn't make /balk/ threads for some reason

Oh it's just too difficult for me. Also here is my [150 IQ snide remark]. I am totally not a satirical persona.

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I barely know how to make one.

Did you actually think the 84 IQ thing was a joke?

мoят ceлянин

/balk/ meetup in Banja Luka to get to the bottom of this "Marcus" persona

>150 iq snide remark

There is a Bulgar out there in the world that actually thinks I have anything intelligent to say.
Imagine being that guy.

An 84 IQ can't learn a foreign language.

rly? but nogs speak french..?

I'm going to be real with you.

There's like three Bosnian flags that make posts people call Markus.
I think I'm the original but plenty of times I come into a thread and there's a Bosnian flag that people call Markus.

>i'm not me
wonder where i've seen that before

Seeing as how I am fluent in Srbo-Croatian, English and used to be fluent in German it seems to be possible.

No one who speaks the truth starts their thought with "I am going to be real with you".

>tfw my wage is only 18.9€ after taxes without overtime

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too bad you're not ukrainian refugee
you'd get more for sitting at the beach

Get back to work, codemaymun

In one hour, r-right...?

Back to work

Computer maymun


>gets his house exploded
>here's twenty euros, now live with these turkgarians and shut the hell up

My friend this is not the west

Yes, I somehow forgot to type that.

They don't let you do overtime this late because they close the office.

>chimps out "come at me bro"
>bro comes
>oy vey why did u come!! halp meee

>18 euro hourly wage

So when are you going to be buying an apartment/house?

First thing he buys is this
Feed family later

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Oh wait it was daily, I forgot to divide by 8 after 22. My income is 2.4€ a working hour before gibs and 5.7€ a working hour after gibs.

I'll probably buy one next year desu.

What's that car model called?

It always looked really cool.

19 euro a day? You can get more picking raspberries in Serbia

Damn. Those NATO bombs really enriched the soil.

>5.7€ a working hour after gibs.
>An hour
Do you plan on buying property in Tirana?
How will you afford it?
I'm looking at apartments in Tirana online and a good one is like 100k euro. Although these agencies might be for rich English speakers and not regular folks.