Best Picture 2022

It's today. What do you hope wins?

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>Don't Look Up
>Nightmare Alley
>West Side Story
These are the only movies here that actually have a chance, given that people actually...y'know, WATCHED them.

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 was better than all of these

I hope some uppity bitch does the coke bottle trick to the trophy like obama's mom did. we need another wardrobe malfunction to signal a new timeline shift.

What does the Academy usually eat up?

I haven't seen a single nominated entry. Imagine still watching (((((((((Hollywood)))))))))) movies.

I hope it is DUNC
But realistically it's going to be Power of The Dog so a token woman can win

We all know it'll be King Richard but I kinda hope Belfast wins.

it's going to be something directed by a woman

hopefully don't look up so people can stop pretending like oscars are relevant in any way

unironically DUNC

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It'll be West Side Story because of muh latinx

No Idea. Go Getter Entrants Really Shine.

I hope Licorice Pizzagate wins

Man it's sad looking at a whole list of shitty movies nominated for best picture. Hollywood is dead and the oscars are dead.

How embarrassing

sportsbooks' odds for reference

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where do we watch it

If Drive My Car wins I'll shit my pants that was the most Oscar Baity movie ever

Hope Nightmare Alley wins for best picture.
It would be interesting if Dune got it though I'd be happy to see Denny V with an Oscar, can't remember if he has one already.
But Del Toro puts his heart and soul into shit man he deserves it.

del taco is an inauthentic shit bag

why does everyone think Coda is going to win? just because it's the "no one is really talking about it" movie?

Actually, I sadly take it back. Just looked at all the Best Picture wins, and it seems like a movie people actually watched has LESS of a chance.

Which one have you at least heard of: Jojo Rabbit or Parasite? Exactly, almost fucking no one heard of Parasite and it somehow won.

It sucked. The pacing was garbage, they kept ruining the final fight with cutaways to literal whos jerking off elsewhere and the translation was sjw dogshit (Like Geto calling Yuta a "womanizer" for calling upon Rika's power in exchange for his life)

Stories about black people or gay people are usually high on the list for winning. Thats why Moonlight was an automatic win because it featured a gay black man as the lead. The only time it doesnt win is if it goes up against a holocaust movie which are even more automatic win. The quality of the movie is pretty far down the list of criterias.

Dont Look Up was pure shit. Wtf

I got bored of Nightmare Alley. It could be great I have no idea.

Really liked Licorice Pizza despite it feeling a little unfocused.

Power of the Dog was the most enjoyable watch. I liken it to Moonlight in that watching it was pleasurable but I never quite understood why I was supposed to care.

Dune I watched 3 times, once in the theater and had a great time but its not going to win. And I wouldnt say it was best picture.

West Side Story was well done. Technically amazing. Not a musical guy but I liked some of the numbers and it did make me a little nostalgic for when I actually watched stage plays years and years ago. The ending felt dramatically inert but I liked it overall.

I have not seen Coda, Drive My Car, Belfast or King Richard. Though I see both are on HBO Max and I'll watch one before tonight.
