The real flag of England

The real flag of England.

Attached: england dragon.png (1000x600, 99.5K)

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the norman conquest has been a disaster for the anglo saxon race

1066 worst year of my life.

Attached: proud to be anglo-saxon.jpg (2048x2048, 272.31K)

>tfw english isnt a proud harsh germanic language instead being a retarded mutt amalgamation of latin, various celtic tounges and germanic remnants

Attached: 1584868888744.jpg (250x250, 6.98K)

It's enough to make an ENGLISC man cry...

Attached: englaland.png (1772x885, 246.95K)

Akhschually there are little to no celtic influences in modern english in both vocabulary and syntax

i just want old english back

Look up Anglish, it's pretty interesting in what it's trying to achieve
Sick numbers btw

Attached: chink em.jpg (261x374, 50.37K)

Meanwhile, Polish is the most mutted Slavic language with tons of Latin and German shit (even in everyday speech).

Polish is English of the Slavic world.

The real spelling of English

>the most mutted Slavic language
That would be ukrainian, of course if we even consider it to be an entire separate language of its own

Trips of truth

Attached: 1601504996775.png (616x602, 329.63K)

That's not a wyrm though, that's Welsh dragon.

Attached: images (5).jpg (222x227, 9.43K)


Attached: Glorious Nation of Great Wales.gif (1374x972, 424.69K)

Imagine saying things like "Iċ nāt hwæder iċ fare" and "Ūrenānne mæġ tōweardnesse forecweðan" instead of "I don't know where I'm going" and "None of us can predict the future"
VGH old english is pure SOVL


>Iċ nāt hwæder iċ fare
>Ūrenānne mæġ tōweardnesse forecweðan
Wooow. That's so ancient. So ancient only Icelanders could probably understand.

god i fucking wish

I agree. We are a Nordic people oppressed by the Fr*nch

sad states of affair we live in brother

Ūre nān ne*