Thirdies will never know what it's like

thirdies will never know what it's like

Attached: waging in the first world.webm (540x960, 2.7M)

Thirdie here and I don't understand this at all. Is he trying to burn his hands on the stove?

>what atheism do to a mf

no he is spontaneously caught in this realization while going through the daily motions like preparing dinner but he also had time to set up his camera to film this moment of deep introspection

This is your mind on atheism. You have no purpose, no hope, no future.

Jesus is the only way.

Please read the Bible, it is the Word of GOD.

Aren't you 2nd world?

Well i guess that's basically thirdie but you get most of your nourishment from vatnik cum deliveries.

>God help me
>he actually didnt think all of this in his childhood
certified retard

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I am a firmly believing Christian my whole life. It never did anything to heal the hopelessness and nihilism I feel since adolescence. I think converts have this autistic delusion that everything in their life will be fixed but I'm telling you it won't. Life is suffering.

Based. Life is pain and suffering.
Eternity, if one keeps on the path of righteousness, is bliss.

Its an NPC who's just noticed the crack in the first heavenly sphere.
English is not the first language in serbia so it is third world.

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Wrong. Read dostoyevsky. Life is heaven.

yes faggot
now lay down and die

thirdies just can't relate

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Do thirdies really not get it?

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>Aren't you 2nd world?
Nope. Read about the Non Aligned Movement which was spearheaded by Yugoslavia.

daddy in the sky isn't real you tards

i don't get it

Since Jehovah's witnesses are God's people, only we can taste the happiness that comes from being under Jehovah's protection.

You are very welcome to attend one of our meetings user, and you will feel the Holy Spirit among us :)

babby's first existential crisis at 30yo? cringe

>stemcel with no passion in life feels dread
more news at 11

We do the exact same shit except for more working hours and a shittier pay, I'd punch that fag for being such a fag but he's probably on antidepressants so he'll most likely kill himself anyways

He literally looks like a chud.

>Since Jehovah's witnesses are God's people, only we can taste the happiness that comes from being under Jehovah's protection.
So you are all generally happy? None of you have deep and perpetual mental illnesses? Sorry but I find that hard to believe.

Sounds like he's missing the part about getting a wife and kids. Maybe he shouldn't concentrate on that instead of making retarded videos.

But it just seems like you're bragging about how shitty your life is and you get mad when someone questions it

why the fuck is this a video?

funny how much more benefits firsties have compared to us and they're STILL sadder than us

He should have found the LORD.

i do but it's drowned out by other problems
is he drunk or what

has he tried watching anime?