How were good students (straight A students/whiz kids) treated in your school? Were they bullied, respected etc?

How were good students (straight A students/whiz kids) treated in your school? Were they bullied, respected etc?

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Bullied in the younger years, then when school got important (last couple years) they became respected

For Asian students, the "A+" is the ultimate goal. They put a lot of pressure on themselves and each other. Tend to get bullied by their lower IQ peers, the Blacks and the Mexicans. Whites were a coin toss. Dumb jocks were the bullies, smart ones were actually chill. Seems to be a running trend. The dumber you are, the more you want to bully the smarter people. Intelligence in general wasn't respected at school. Popularity = Respect.

Respected, the popular kids were all the ones with perfect grades

Respected, they were bully proof

Kind of respected

Respected. They made up the elite.

Honestly the bullies/popular kids usually had decent grades
It was kind of a bell curve
The ones who had worst grades were mentally disabled people and the best grades usually were the nerdy skinny kids

Class model

Boys were respected, girls disrespected.

Bullying wasn't really a thing at my schools. Sometimes we may have made some bad jokes but it wasn't ill-intentioned.
In middle school I was generally considered the typical smartass. I wasn't revered but I was respected I guess.
In high school personality becomes more important but being good at school isn't seen as "uncool" anymore.

Here in Italy we disrespect girls who get As by repeating everything by heart. Dunno why it's so annoying. I guess one may perceive it as unfair because you may perceive the person as stupid despite their grades.

Respected as long as they weren't arrogant assholes. I still remember this kid who switched to another class just so he could rank #1, lmao.

Lmao same no matter how good a girl's grade is, she won't ever be taken seriously by her peers or anyone other than the teachers for that matter

The smart kids were also the popular kids in my class. So the smart girls were hot as shit and smart guys were also football players and gym bros, so they had a pretty good time.
All of the fat greasy losers and dorky skeletons were also dumb as shit.
It was really all or nothing.

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I think it sort of didn't matter that much.
Sometimes the popular kids were the smart ones, sometimes it was the dumb kids.
There was some respect associated with getting the best grades, but it wasn't decisive.

everyone hated those dumb bitches that were very good at doing exactly what the teacher said, remembering information by heart but couldn't form an independent thought of themselves. Also grades here are 50% test scores and 50% participation in the class which is completely decided by the teacher without having to justify themselves at all, so whenever someone got great grades there was always the suspicion that they only got those grades because the teacher liked them.

the guys with the best grades behave literally just as badly (if not worse) as everyone else
they'd often not bother paying attention and just read comics, talked with classmates or were on their phones, if they even showed up (i used to read physical manga in english and philosophy class and they would often just read alongside me)
teachers couldn't even fuck with them too much as they were smart enough to know when to stop and could answer any question perfectly so their oral grades were pretty much perfect as well

Public school:
Not respected, usually ignored or bullied by more retarded students.

Private school/richer public school:
Smart kids are respected, even more if they are good at sports

I know what you guys mean. A lot of girls here just memorize their way through school without actually learning anything. I don't think they are actually smart

respected but not interacted with

no because i had a big brother and i used to fistfight every recess

They aren't. Not everyone can memorize shit like they do though. Teachers also seem to prefer them for some reason.

I was in a private expensive school and everybody is now a doctor, lawyer or business executive, its more the retards that had to work twice as hard