Do people unironically prefer this over Forever or Batman & Robin?

Do people unironically prefer this over Forever or Batman & Robin?

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yeah it has good faps


I prefer it over every other Batman movie too

Yeah, I even prefer it over '89 and the Nolan films.

Really? The scene of Batgirl suiting up has more fappable moments than all of Returns

for me its latex

Attached: DSC00559.jpg (1405x2048, 1.18M)

What makes it your favorite?

I rented Robin Hood: Men in Tights and 3 Ninjas Kick Back this weekend and this kid thinks I'm gonna watch fuckin Batman lol


Any sane man does. Although, I can understand the preference towards Forever.

who is batgirl i haven't seen it


It's capekino

Attached: 1419518051347.webm (1920x1072, 2.41M)

Forever was the best batman movie until begins released. Kiss from a rose and smash it up alone.


Attached: 1414801380812.webm (1920x1072, 2.81M)

hookers think it's weird but i pay them extra to lick my face like michelle does

she's like robin but a chick

iT's the bEst bAtman flick by faR

Why was Batman just sitting in the dark and how did his mirror system reflect the light being directed at the clouds?

he used batlight with batmirrors

oh ok

Best capeshit film ever made