Why didn't he just try to self improve?

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He did retard

this is Any Forums, not /incel/

are you new or something?

men will do anything but go to therapy

He did, he gained like 30 pounds of pure muscle and learned how to shoot a gun real good.


He did and it worked.

I went to therapy and all they did was bring up more issues and now im worse off thanks reddit

Wasn't he like a fucking Green Beret or something?

killing the pimp and the child molesters had a therapeutic effect on him

I have never met an intelligent therapist. They've all wanted me to read like Thich Nhat Hanh and shit

>bro just "self improve"
some things... you just can't self improve.

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why would self-destruction ever be better than self-improvement? I'm not saying you should improoooooove, but one is clearly better than the other?

Fuckoff schlomo

/fitcels/ in a nutshell.there are a suprisibg number of people who are mutants that have a combination of schizophrenia/autism/adhd because their mom smoked weed in the womb,these people are expected to go out and function but it usually ends with them doing some kind of mass murder or they just addicted to meth. /thread

Therapy is for people too stupid and introspective to realize their faults and to fix them. Its literally an npc daycare.

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everyone knows what's wrong with other people, but nobody sees what's wrong with themselves

we hate them on fit too, they are nofappers

He was living in a Society

jewish money laundering scheme

literal jew racket to scam insurance, medicare, medicaid and push pills

I know what's wrong with me but I'm just incapable/too weak/or I don't care enough to change my vices.

He should have started HT and began to transition into a m'am.

>gets fit
>woos Cybil
>realises she's too much of a square to enjoy a porno theatre
>saves underage prostitute from pimps
>is hailed as a hero
>continues taxi driving job
>picks up Cybil but doesn't reciprocate the thot's attempts, is now content with being a schizoid taxi driver

The movie ended with a happy ending for based Travis.

What's the best m65 jacket ?