Ukrainian language is literally Russian disfigured by Polish influence and loanwords

Ukrainian language is literally Russian disfigured by Polish influence and loanwords.

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Russian is just Ukrainian disfigured by Mongol influence and loanwords ))))

Romanian language is literally Latin disfigured by Slavic influence and loanwords.

Then why all this autistic screeching over Ukraine having no Russian as official language?

It's polish disfigured by russian grammar

Ukrainian developed from Ancient Rus language on the territory occupied by Lyahostan.

This Ukranians are just Russians buckbroken by Westoid Catholic Polish-Lithuanian Empire

There are less mongol loanwords in the russian than in ukrainian
For example your favourite katsap comes from turkic "executioner"

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Latin is literally just Umbrian disfigured by Greek and Etruscan loanwords.

"Russian" has more Modern Latin and French influence than Romanian.
Ukrainian is the real Russian language since it is more Slavic

God I need a Ukrainian gf so bad

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i don't recognise Ukraine all I see is Russia ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

whats so uncommon about that? thats mostly just out of laziness/being unable to write the other alphabet as fast and comfortably.

When you see russians talking about other cultures, countries and languages, you have to understand, that many of them are just like that guy.

Who is this swarthy angel

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you mean many of them are retarded?

The instructions were written in polish. Those were polish rpgs.

oh fuck I didnt check file name. Makes them even more retarded

>look up "Russian" word
>it's the same French word we use
>look of the Ukrainian word
>some weird "krvkckvckschzvsty" Slav mush you can't even pronounce

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Ukroids are indistinguishable from Russians. They both look like mutts. You can have Ukraine, but you'll have to accept every hohol and Russian living in EU.

Which word?

it's polish, they are borrowing from polish, much like macedonians created their language by borrowing from serbian. russia is having their macedonian momment.

Actually not quite the same. Hohols are Slavic Circassian Tatar mutt while moskals are Slavic Mordva Chuvash mutt.

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rusians basically copied everything from the fr*nch ever since peter the great went to a trip in the west

Ukraine is the original Rus. Russians were slavs ruled by German monarchs who wanted to LARP as "le western" so they imported Germans (who they later expelled) and changed some words. They have "бyтepбpóд" (Butterbrot) which means butter bread in German but they dont have Butter or Brot as Russian words.

The names of months for example
In Russian April is "Aпpeль" (Aprel)
probably Latin
In Ukrainian April is "Квiтeнь" (Kviten)

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Lad, that's everyone in Europe, except for the special snowflakes from PLC.

In Hebrew they also use Latin month names. It's "international culture". Hohols are just retarded.

Vmbrian chads rise up

>Ukraine is the original Rus
Not right. Stopped reading after that.
Rus started in Novgorod, not in Kaeefa lol.

no u
>t. calls the month of April "pigeon"

Doesn't Russian have a lot of turkic loan words?

Modern Russia is neither, you're muscovites who inherited the mongol yoke of the Russian labds from their former masters

muscovite education

Thread could have ended here

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Says a literal Arab, lol.

It wasn't called kievan Rus, just Rus, imbecile. Kiev was the capital of Rus for three centuries, then Rus disintegrated into lots of separate states. "Ukrainians" descended from the Russians who lived under occupation by Poland. So Ukraine was created AFTER, not BEFORE the Ancient Rus. It's like saying Jews created Phoenicia.