Well Any Forums?

Well Any Forums?

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literally egyptian oppression, take them down

Slavery builds great civilizations
Emancipation destroys those civilizations

ackshually KKKrakka egyptians paid their workers since whitey hadn't invented slavery yet.

wtf they got to do with slavery?

they weren't built by slaves

Atlanteans didn't have slavery

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They were built by slaves. The pharaoh conscripted all peasants for mandatory forced labor thrice a year to construct the pyramids. It's slavery. They were whipped if they refused.

Never, destroying these monuments would devalue all the hard, painstaking labour all those "slaves" went through to get these things up in the first place.

Next time we have a shitflinging contest with Egypt

built by Dravidian indians

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>The Emperor of Mankind was a Finn

>literally egyptian oppression
It was built through the labour of enslaved Hebrews commissioned by the ruling Nubian elite at the time who were then deposed by invading Yamnaya Aryans who oversaw the completion of the Pyramids.

Egyptians had nothing to do with Ancient Egypt except as bystanders.

That'll be antisemitism.

they were built by paid contractors

It wasnt slave labour it was payed forced labour (in lieu of taxes) which is very different from slave labour, the suez canal was dug with the same system of work but you wouldnt call it slavery would you
The workers enjoyed meat and months of vacation

they were built by aliums

In the grim dargness of the fudure
there is only benis :-DDD

>Old Helsinki
Haven't heard that one before

>imagine thinking that regular slave can build such thing
this is ur brain on baguette farts

the blueprints were given to the Egyptians by aliens. grays are extremely weak and their ships are designed to be as small as possible to avoid collisions during light speed travel.

The Korean/Finnish hyperwar mate