Center of the world for 3000 years

Center of the world for 3000 years

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You arrived from the urals and started living there just 1000 years ago though

that's not the place jesus lived in

the bible is about people from these places

Nice cope turkoshiptar

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>fyroniam thinking an albanian would know about world history
Rome ruled that region for most of its history, including classical antiquity. The term "byzantine" is a neologism, they even called themselves roman when the turks took over. And the turks took over just a few centuries after you arrived, you weren't even there when we ruled it and actually kept it greek and macedonian. Gigantic cope

I mean yeah that's where the ottomans lived

>Bronze Age
Sumer & Egypt
>Iron Age
Mediterranean (Mostly East Med.)
>Classical Era
Greece & Rome
>Medieval Era
Byzantium, not a real centre in that it's more diffuse.
>Early Modernity
Western Europe
>Classical Modernity
English Channel
>Late Modernity
North Atlantic (transitioning from London to the USA)

>Byzantium, not a real centre in that it's more diffuse

MacMacedonian will prove you wrong...

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>Rome ruled that region for most of its history, including classical antiquity
How were Turks or Arabs not Roman?

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All ruled by Nordics.

goddamit Murricah, you fail on every atempt...

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Absolutely american post
Can't even find the balkans on the map lmao

>when we ruled

The mongols can say the same about your country
And we ruled britain for longer than the mongols ruled you, for example

You are germanic+arab

You are mixing crossroads with center.
We certainly are very important for any state in Europe and Asia minor but we ourselves, because of this very reason, amounted to very little outside Greeks when Europe wasn't even a thing.

I have no doubts things would play out differently for all of us, maybe even for the better, if we weren't born in the Bloody Balkans but it is what it is.

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Italians are Romans, Italian is Latin.

you tell because they all went to shit

Italians didn't really change since classical antiquity
Caesar brought 2 million gauls as slaves after the gallic wars, and we had only around 10 million people in Italy back then
No one calls us french because of that, but retarded nordicists keep saying that the barbarian invasions had changed the italian genome, and that arabs that lived in sicily did that in continental Italy too
All arabs in sicily were actually expelled after the norman conquest that happened soon afterwards, and the normans remained there for centuries
The ones that were ruled by turks for 800 years and started the first world war because when austrians tried to civilize you were yourselves

after coming from Any Forums, these obvious jokes aren't so obvious anymore, there are literal nordic supremacists who think nords ruled the world before even Bronze Age

Germanics are more Italian then Italians are Germanic, ever heard of the fucking Germania Campaigns and why the Romans didn't settle the region?
Spoiler, they killed so much of the population that the region was uninhabitable for next 200 years.
And no, Italians outside small parts of Sicily do not carry significant MENA genes.

>Italians outside small parts of Sicily do not carry significant MENA genes.
That is false

>Medieval Era
>Byzantium, not a real centre in that it's more diffuse
Not even. From the 7th to 12th century byzantines were the "center" maybe for Christians, but definitely not for western Eurasia. That would be Egypt/Levant/Iraq/Iran. Baghdad wad the largest city in the world from the 8th to 10th centuries.
And after this period the "center" only shifted to Egypt, to then shift to parts of western europe in the 16th century(which still isn't 100%, as 17th century Istanbul was the largest city in the world at the time)
Byzantium had its heyday from the 5th to 7th century, after that it wasn't the center of anything relative to the east

>Italians didn't really change since classical antiquity
Estimates for the prevalence of slavery in the Roman Empire vary. Estimates of the percentage of the population of Italy who were slaves range from 30 to 40 percent in the 1st century BC, upwards of two to three million slaves in Italy by the end of the 1st century BCE, about 35% to 40% of Italy's population.

Don't know if the native italians would assimilate them over time.