I am a white mexican, AMA

Attached: sdfsdf.jpg (2208x2944, 2.25M)

how white are we talking

Lol, no. You're not white even here

made for BBC

my parents are both from spain, i have spanish citizenship by right
shut up prieto

How do you feel about brown mexicans

they disgust me

Its over, start taking HRT immediately.
Tyrone will gladly black your brown mexican asshole.

black people annoy me

I, unlike you, am actually white

No pongas un contacto tan cerca de algo inflamable.

I am sorry, I gave OP a complex

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llora prieto
Lo tomare en cuenta user

Miralo, ni citar bien puedes fe tan enojado que andas.

You look mexican

you don't look about as white as a wop

I have the same skin tone and even green eyes but am not considered white

Wassup my black brotha

Do you feel that when looking into a mirror

Is this you OP?

Attached: 1654047829829.jpg (718x315, 59.84K)

You look half nafri half white.

Yes, however that isn't his selfie

I have white, mexican.

I'm an South Asian and I look Whiter than you

you took this photo from an american flag poster in a face thread, rude desu yo ne

Makes sense. He looks hindu not mexican

The burger he stole it from is chicanx

Thats a straight up north Indian nose. Chicano my ass

asians are crackas
