Thirdies will easily afford to have 4 children and then get totally baffled when 'rich' firsties talk about suffering

Thirdies will easily afford to have 4 children and then get totally baffled when 'rich' firsties talk about suffering.

They have no idea the hell that awaits them.

Attached: Cost of living.png (1156x884, 265.73K)

numbers and colors


I live on a cramped house
I earn 20 dollars per weel
Life is not cheap is pain

Imported technology here cost about 350% of its real cost, a 300USD nintendo switch costs 1000USD for example, this applies with all imported goods, specially tech. And food is about the same as expensive as in japan, japanese people who have come here to improve their spanish say they earn much less and pay the same than in japan.

Turks claim to suffer when their $220 downtown three room ground floor apartment would cost me $1600 in the US.

They also earn 10 times less than you, retard.

Minimum wage is $350 a month + getting paid under the table to avoid taxes. That's enough for a nice apartment and to cover all of the other costs of living in a city. Healthcare and college education, which put many Americans into debt, are free to Turkish citizens.

is this absolute cost of living or is it adjusted for incomes?

>I suffer because my gaming console isn't the newest version >:(

Attached: 1499282819826.jpg (200x200, 3.74K)

WHERE is New Zealand?

Attached: images(7).jpg (500x500, 17.58K)

Cheap countries to be fair have lower wages
Like working 5$ an hour with shitty infrastructure and politics

They come here for a reason not Mexico

>I suffer because my gaming console isn't the newest version >:(
Yes, i unironically do suffer because of that

that pic is just about over and undervalued currencies.


i'm still not having sex

i live with my family and all of my salary is spent on booze, clothes, PC components and açaí

Attached: pepe.jpg (550x503, 31.42K)

lol wut?
At least here food is far cheaper than Japan's even though we get paid far less. I thought it would be the same there.

t. lived there

It's cheaper to live there because they make less money, local economies adjust for what people will actually pay. It's a completely viable strategy to just make a ton of money in a first world cunt, move to a developing area and more or less retire. Lots of people here do that with Portugal.

The COP is the 3rd most revalued currency so far this year among emerging market currencies, THOUGH

Sometimes we gotta be objective

Attached: COP.png (2370x630, 368.77K)

That's my plan. I am too young to retire, but I can live comfortably in Turkey for a few years instead of wage slaving.

>cost of living

Attached: 1640821458560.jpg (647x831, 110.39K)

There are more than 7 billion people on earth and it keeps growing every year. Why the fuck do we even need more people for?