Have you thanked these countries for winning WWII yet?

Have you thanked these countries for winning WWII yet?

Attached: canada-america-britain.jpg (820x530, 52.32K)

what the fuck did Canada do?
Should be soviet flag there instead.

thank america for funding soviet union meat grinder
thank UK and canada for being skillful soldiers
thank france for providing women to the soldiers

escorted your ass across the Atlantic Ocean

No, I wish Germany won

they did win, and you lost.
and then we won

I meant on the long term stop acting retarted faggot

you have no right to be this ungrateful. we saved you in the great war too y'know

My bad leaf take care alright thanks for saving EVROPA

We lost WWII though


win some you lose some

They are called the Merchant Marines and they did most of the personnel movement for American troops.
Nice cope tho.

like all wars it was probably won by a strategic blunder by the invading force. butterfly wings creating a tornado, that kind of thing.

I get the feeling that Canacucks are more active in America's modern oil wars than they were in WW2.

Yeah we had our own merchant navy and us and the British had to escort you lot with our navies, dummy. in fact leafs took up half the escort duties in the Battle of the Atlantic.


you mean the British decided to escort us and you did the same since you used to be their property.

Us and the Canadians liberated Paris but De Gaulle was so upset non-french forces liberated his country that he wouldn't let Us or the Canadians march through Paris. What a ungrateful country.

if that's what helps you sleep at night

There's only two countries there

No, my family was "fighting" for the italians.

kek based

canada was in ww2? i unironically didn't even know canada existed back then