/lang/ - Language Learning General

Tok Pisin edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Any Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

[UPDATED] Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages:
Older version:mega.nz/#F!x4VG3DRL!lqecF4q2ywojGLE0O8cu4A
Newer version:mega.nz/folder/INlRkAQC#CthKI9-_kmDNyrOx12Ojbw

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:

Russianon's list of comprehensible input resources:

Pastebin that archives challenges:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
yes actually
>What is the most useful language?
Tok Pisin
>What language should I learn?
Tok Pisin

Old thread:
Old challenge(s):

Attached: Tok Pisin Lord's Prayer.png (520x301, 7.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Another thread yet again, Kalliggas

New challenge: punishment edition.

Go to your room!
We don't hit our children.
My favorite superhero is The Punisher.

Are the thieves still in prison, or have they been released?
Christians believe that bad actions in life can cause one to go to Hell forever.
After she found my bottles of beer, my mother forced me to stay home on the night of the school dance.

It is true that every person who is accused of a crime deserves to be represented by a lawyer, but there are some crimes so evil that I don't think I could represent their perpetrators.
I oppose the death penalty, not because I deserve to die, but because I find the thought of an innocent person being sent to their death too horrible to justify with whatever benefits the death penalty may have.
Although he is best known today for his longer works, Kafka also wrote several short stories, the most famous of which is "In the Penal Colony," which is about a machine which executes condemned men in a very strange way.

Attached: prison.png (763x800, 12.36K)

On second thought,
أساسيات القواعد النحوية، محمود أحمد السيد،
is pretty good

I fucked up the second to last sentence. It should say "not because I believe no one deserves to die..."

Okay how is my Spanish, mexikun?

¡Ve a tu cuarto!
No golpeamos nuestros hijos.
Mi superhéroe favorito es el Castigador.

¿Todavía están en la cárcel los ladrones, o se han sido liberado?
Los cristianos creen que las acciones malas en la vida pueden causar que se va al infierno para siempre.
Después de que encuentra mis botellas de cerveza, mi madre me forzó quedarme en casa a la noche del baile de a escuela.

le epic bump

Why does German have so much stuff to remember ahh

A tu cuarto!
No peganis nuestros niños
Mi super heroe favorito es El Justicero(?)

Los presos aún están en la cárcel, o ya han sido liberados?
Cristianos creen que malas acciones en la
vida les causa ir al el Infierno para siempre.
Después que encontró mis botellas de cerveza, mi madre me forzó a quedar en casa en la noche del baile (escolar?).

Es verdad que toda persona acusada de un crimen merece ser representada por un abogado, pero hay algunos crimines tan maldosos que no creo que poderia representar sus perpetuadores.
Me opongo a la pena de muerte, no porque no creo que nadie merezca murrir, sino porque creo que la idea de un inocente ser enviado a su muerte es muy horrible de justificar con cualquier beneficio que la pena de muerte tenga.
Ademas de ser reconocido hoy por sus trabajos más largos, Kafka escribió varias historias cortas, la más famosa de ellas es "En una Colonia Penal(?)", la cual es acerca de una máquina que ejecuta hombres condenados de una manera muy rara.

"Estudiase" x "Estudiara", que manera de decir es más natural?

>de a escuela.
meant to write de la escuela

Geh in dein Zimmer!
Wir schlagen unsere Kinder nicht
Meine Lieblingssuperheld ist The Punisher

Sind die Diebe nur im Gefängnis oder sind sie aus dem Gefängnis entlassen worden
Christen glauben dass schlechte Handlungen im Leben können dass Man zur Hölle für immer gehen
Nachdem sie meine Bierflaschen fand, zwang mich meine Mutter Zuhause zu bleiben, an der Nacht des Schulballs

Attached: 1637537168189.png (631x417, 190.22K)

Я cтpaдaю(cь?) в Швeции
Ceгoдня - плoхoй дeнь. Зaвтpa бyдeт лyчшe
Я гoвopю нa 3 языкaх
Teбe cтoит читaть [мoю любимyю книгy]. Oнa oтличнaя
Mнoгoквapтиpныe дoмa нa мoeм paйoнe вcё cиниe
Boдa - мoй любимый нaпитoк
Moй тeлeфoн пoчти пoлнocтью зapяжeн
Mнe нpaвитcя игpaть нa гитape
Coлнцe cвeтит в мoe oкнo
Я хoтeл бы кapтoфeль фpи нa нeгo, пoжaлyйcтa

Я пoлюбил бы лeтo eщe cильнee ecли кoмapы бы нe cyщecтвoвaли, и ecли влaжнocть нe былa вышe чeм пятьдecять пpoцeнтoв.
Moй paбoчий cтoл нe в хopoшeй фopмe (нe в пopядкe). Я нe пpocчитaл, нo нa нeгo вoзмoжнo бoльшe cтa пpoгpaммa
Хyй Укpaинe. Я тaк cильнo нeнaвижy их. A зaчeм им нe пoшли нaхyй бля миp был бы лyчшe бeз них. eбaныe хoхлы бля ypoдливыe yблюдoки. пиздeц
I don't know how much Russians genuinelly hate Ukies. I just chose Ukraine because хoхoл is a fun word

I just went a little insane and started by duolingo league and in 30 mins got 1000 points. I don't even know why.

>нe в пopядкe
I don't know if this means the same thing as 'messy'

I'd say мoй paбoчий cтoл зaхлaмлeн - cluttered
or нa мoём paбoчeм cтoлe кyчa хлaмa - sounds a bit more real-life-like

I'm pretty much total beginner, but I'll try anyway. Feel free to correct me.

> Go to your room!
Бөлмeңe бap!
> We don't hit our children.
Бiз бaлaлapымызды ұpмaймыз.
> My favorite superhero is The Punisher.
Пaнишep – мeнiң cүйiктi cyпepқahapмaным.

>гo тo ыp poм
>вe дo нoт хит op чидpeн
>мы фaвopит cyпepхepo иcт дe пyнишep
I hope this helps

Get with the times

Attached: c140293730ec0b509a4d7d4552fbdc88.png (509x300, 17.48K)

>Geh in dein Zimmer!
Technically correct but as always there's a quirk: for that particular phrase we say 'Geh auf dein Zimmer!'

>Sind die Diebe nur im Gefängnis
noch im Gefängnis

> im Leben können dass Man zur Hölle für immer gehen
...im Leben dazu führen können, dass man für immer zur Hölle fährt

nur = only
noch = still