My government is forcing the 4th shot as mandatory now. I got the vac 3 times, what else the fuck they want?

My government is forcing the 4th shot as mandatory now. I got the vac 3 times, what else the fuck they want?

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A 4th one, obviously.

Wtf chile is still a military dictatorship?


It seems so. You literally can't be part of any big event unless you get your 4th cuckshot of the vac. I refuse to be part of this shit, cuckvid us fucking over.

Is your government filled with big Pharma lobbyists or something

Corona is still a thing?
Haven't seen anything about it in the news for over 6 months.

Solo vacunate hijo de pinochet no es la gran mierda.

Based. I'm not gonna get it too.

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You guys are still going on about corona?

It all they talk about in the news here. That and all the thieving and robbery that happens in the capital.

I already got enough chink nanobots in my bloodstream, tyvm.

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it’s exactly analogous to a flu shot, which hundreds of millions of people get every year with no problem.
Stop being such a fucking baby just because Any Forums and Fox told you so. It is fucking retards that you idiots tie up the healthcare system and make everyone wait hours in the ER because you cannot be trusted to behave like an adult.
>t. paramedic who has to transport your retarded monkey asses at 0300 in the fucking morning every week with “shortness of breath” (i.e. coughed once from pollen)

PS I know you idiots are fucking terrified because you call at the smallest sign of trouble. Irony is you’re deathly afraid that your dumbfuckery finally caught up with you, work yourself into a panic over nothing, and then maybe actually catch COVID in the hospital when they make you sit with all the other PUIs.
it’s all so, so fucking tiresome

literally this. I already have the 4th dosis crybabies

I dont care, there are things worst than put a shot in your arm. Fight another battles but this its so stupid.
Solo ponte la maldita vacuna, una mas no hace daño, estas viendo mucho salfate y weas.
Los chinos te controlan de otras maneras.
No se como sera en chile, pero yo me hice un carnet con una app de mierda.

>There are places where covid shots are still mandatory
do they really?

>can't be part of any big event
Seguro sales de tu pieza, guatón esquizofrénico.

Same here government is delusional

When I flew back into the country a month ago they didn't even check my covid test result.

They have inoculated new illnesses like gayness in the vax. You will become gay and will look at men's hairy asses the rest of your life

Any Forums promised me a mass vaccine die off
it never happened

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I've never got a flu shot either.

they were talking about sweden
they always do
i never took the vaccine, never got sick