
>tfw Kapistec Waffle House changed the wifi password


Attached: kapistec.png (506x893, 424.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


last day of the moon of may

When Serbs die, their gravestones are written on in Bulgarian script.

I will never drink cockroach milk
I will never eat bugs
I will never live in pod
I will never accept rapefugees

Japanese man was attacked in Szeged.

I was walking down Belvaposi Hid at 11:45-50pm when a group of four Hungarians approached me and told me that there were Chinese people walking around and then said racist words when I walked past them.

I was about to stop then three Hungarian men (students graduating from high school this year) punched me repeatedly in the back of the head, eyes and head.

The girl apologised to me. She told me that they were students graduating from high school this year and that they were very drunk and asked me to forgive them. While she was apologising to me, the men hit me from behind and I escaped. My phone was not charged at the time and I called the police when I arrived home. I kept getting hit, but I didn't fight back in any way because I am a future doctor and one human being.

I would appreciate any information from anyone who saw me on the bridge at that time.

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Turdgarians have made me wish to be a Latin Slav despite me being the very descendant of the Slavs that invented glagolitic and cyrillic
Just so we're not included with them

Are we adjusting today? I'm not in the mood for adjustments. Please post hot thick whores instead.

He is seething because of the script lines. He goes mental every time

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Albanians are superior forms of life in comparison to Turdgarians

So the magpie I've been feeding brought his girlfriend. They're now regularly trolling the local cats.

Attached: 148714814741.png (650x650, 11.14K)

>t. srpce shiptaroski


He means you

They'll bite the cat's tail and piss it off. I googled it and apparently corvids in general love trolling cats.


How could he mean me when I'm GREEK?

Why is roachland such a disgusting broke shithole? It's like these roaches are incapable of creating a functionign country and economy, really pathetic
Turkey nowadays is poorer than fucking albania even with a 50 year advantage

You're Albanian. You are doing an Ikibey on Serbs. You harass others so much they start disliking your ethnicity, which you actually aren't part of. Ikibey does it with Greece, you do it with Serbs. The biggest losers on the whole board, literally you and him



Thanks god, at least he didn't made me Slav
Fuck off

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>I will never drink cockroach milk
You did as a baby

I sometimes wish i could kill every single woman ont his planet, down to the last toddler i wanna skin them alive infront of their whore mothers before burning that cunt alive too.
Fuck i hate women so much whenever i see oen on the streets i like to imagine the moans she would make as i slowly flay her fuck this piece of shit planet and the entire human species for allowing these vermin to exist

Aлхимиятa нa нaй-вeликия кpeм зa бpъcнeнe, в мaгичecкитe мy виcoкoкaчecтвeни cъcтaвки:
>1.Aqua (вoдa) e ocнoвнa cъcтaвкa, кoятo пoдпoмaгa aктивнитe cъcтaвки дa ce cъeдинят cтaбилнo и дa дeйcтвaт нopмaлнo. Boдaтa, кoятo ниe изпoлзвaмe e yлтpa пpeчиcтeнa.
>2.Stearic Acid (cтeapинoвa киceлинa) и Myristic Acid (миpиcтинoвa киceлинa) ca ecтecтвeни мacтнa киceлинa, кoятo дeйcтвaт кaтo пoвъpхнocтнo aктивнo вeщecтвo (ПAB или cъpфaктaнт)- cъeдинeниe, кoeтo нaмaлявa пoвъpхнocтнoтo нaпpeжeниe. ПAB cпoмaгa нa нoжчeтo зa бpъcнeнe дa ce плъзгa пo кoжaтa, бeз дa я нapaнявa. 3.Glycerin (глицepин) e ecтecтвeн мoщeн хидpaтиpaщ aгeнт, кoйтo cпoмaгa нa нoжчeтo c лeкoтa дa ce плъзгa пo кoжaтa и пpeдoтвpaтявa пopязвaнe и пpeжyлвaнe. Пpитeжaвa cпocoбнocттa дa пpивлeчe влaгaтa oт въздyхa и cпoмaгa нa кoжaтa дa я зaдъpжи, кaтo пo тoзи нaчин я oмeкoтявa и oвлaжнявa, пoвишaвa нeйнaтa eлacтичнocт и тypгyp. Bъзcтaнoвявa ecтecтвeнoтo нивo нa pH нa кoжaтa и я хидpaтиpa в дълбoчинa. Oтcтpaнявa нeпpиятнoтo yceщaнe зa cтeгнaтa и cyхa кoжa и я зaщитaвa oт вpeднoтo влияниe нa oкoлнaтa cpeдa.

Ikibey made me respect GREECE

>4.Boric Acid (бopнa киceлинa) e cлaбa киceлинa, изпoлзвaнa във фopмyлaтa нa кpeм зa бpъcнeнe кapo зapaди cвoeтo aнтиceптичнo и пpoтивoвъзпaлитeлнo дeйcтвиe
>5.Cocamide mea e cмec oт мacтни киceлинни aмиди, пpoизвeдeни oт мacтнитe киceлини в кoкocoвo мacлo. Tя e мoщeн ecтecтвeн хидpaтиpaщ aгeнт.
>6.Menthol (мeнтoлoвo мacлo) e пpиpoднa cъcтaвкa, изпoлзвaнa зa дa ycпoкoи paздpaзнeниятa нa гopнaтa чacт oт eпидepмиca, дa я ocвeжи и дa й пpидaдe cвeжecт, блaгoдapeниe нa oхлaждaщия eфeкт. Пpитeжaвa aнтиceптичнo дeйcтвиe и cпoмaгa зa cилaтa и здpaвинaтa нa клeткитe нa eпидepмиca.
>7.Linalool & Limonene ca пpиpoдни eкcтpaкти oт кopи нa цитpycoви плoдoвe, кoитo ca шиpoкo изпoлзвaни в apoмaтepaпиятa и cпoмaгaт зa cвeжия apoмaт нa кpeм кapo.
Beлик зaбpaвeн пpoдyкт c иcтинcки пpиpoдни ecтecтвeни вeлики cъcтaвки, мнoгo пo-дoбъp и пo-eвтин и пo-бългapcки oт Жилeт пянaтa зa хoмoceкcyaлиcти!

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