Canada is such a fucking failed dysfunctional state that it will mostly likely cease to exist by the end of this century

Canada is such a fucking failed dysfunctional state that it will mostly likely cease to exist by the end of this century

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> this century
how ?

Polebro, focus on your own country. Canadians can change their government, we cannot change our geography and the hard truth is that some countries would rather not see our country on the map. Who is going to disappear first? We will see.

we will allow them to rejoin the motherland

to put it simply, Quebec will most likely secede which will cause a chain reaction of the rest of Canada balkanizing with some states joining the US while others will become small semi independent vassal states
>Canadians can change their government
i doubt it honestly. you also forget that canadas culture, history and geography turn it into extension of america. They do not have strong enough economy, national identity, social cohesion or geographical borders to maintain their presence.
>e cannot change our geography and the hard truth is that some countries would rather not see our country on the map
Polska jeszcze nie zginęła bracie

Canada is filled with good people so whatever happens something beautiful will sprout again!


I only want you to return Silesia, Pomerania and Danzig to Germany

why would we? theyre ethnically polish, historically polish and geographically are sound and make sense

What about Sczeczszin?

i would smash your malnourished drug addict skull into pieces

Imagine being told your G7 nation is collapsing by a fucking pole of all people


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>Quebec will most likely secede
If Quebec were going to secede, it would have done so in the 90s. Support for independence there has been dropping; at most they'll become some sort of autonomous region.



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Canada is basically an autonomous region of the US. They are overly cocky and egar to prove they aren't the US but it wouldn't taken longer than 3 days to annex them. They forget their military is pathetic because we are the only threat to their sovereignty and they wouldn't stand a chance if they were declared a Chinese territory in the upcoming war.

>I only want you to return Silesia, Pomerania and Danzig to Germany

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a dlatego będę mieszkał w Polsce

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Poland is closer to Colombia and Morocco than Canada

Don't bring colombia into this

Lo siento

Don’t want to share a country with him

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