Was this based?

Was this based?

Attached: kisss.jpg (994x547, 46.19K)

Lesbians are cringe. It's the consumer friendly way of cramming in that LGBTQ garbage into media. Everything about Harley Quinn is just to sell merchandise.

It was a good romance story for a sitcom

Lesbians is fine but only if its smoking hot lesbians who are only being drawn as lesbians to gratify the male fans.

They did best guy Kite Man so fucking dirty.

It was gay

Men are honestly disgusting creatures. I can say this as a man. I can understand lesbianism.

I'm glad that the vast majority of people were pissed at this for fucking over Kite Man. Showed that normalfags aren't all hopeless.

They spent so much time building up this genuinely endearing relationship between the two, only to intentionally destroy it all in favor of some gay bullshit.

Lesbians used to be based (American Pie 2) but now they're cringe

Lesbians are always based because they make my pee pee hard except for in real life when they reject me >:(

It gave me a chub just like the scene with Harley hanging out her asscrack in the Batcave, this show has the second best hot bitches in a DC property after the DCAU.

It's cringe but because it's derivative, they stole this from anime and manga

you are too far gone. may god have mercy on your soul

Lesbians don't exist

It's the only thing it had going for it. And now Harley is cemented as a dyke to the end of time.

I remember the seething it caused on Any Forums, and then they concluded that Kiteman deserved better than Ivy anyway

This. If you want to pander to the LGBTQIA+2PRLSTOQQQI demographic, but you don't want to disgust straight people, than you use lesbians. They are the "safe gay".

Attached: The-Last-of-Us-Part-II-1[1].png (784x489, 352.14K)

Nah, lesbians are cute.
You just can't be happy for other people because you hate yourself.

Did they retcon the fact that you can get infected via saliva/blood/pussy fluid?

Pretty disgusting when you pair a main character with a kike with a massive beak

I'm happy for real lesbians, not fictional characters meant to make incels coom and buy toys.

>lesbians are cute
Pull that domestic violence stats asap

Women are no less disgusting than men, clearly you've never lived with one.

At the same time Harley and Ivy have kind of been a thing in the comics for years. I think they were the first lesbian kiss in a DC comic.
You could argue that the show should be its own thing, and it definitely is in a lot of ways, but I'm not at all surprised they included this.

>lesbians were invented by anime

>Nah, lesbians are cute.
Not in real life they aren't

There's no such thing as lesbians. There are straight girls and there are bisexual girls. That's it.

The fact that it's so predictable made it really stale and stupid to me, especially since you had a perfectly good developing romance already. Also, arguably Ivy x Kiteman would've been a far more unique matchup. But no, they hired a bunch of faggots and they really wanted the stupid ship and ruined Kiteman's life for it. At least he realized how shit she was to him and left.

No idea, I don't play games with fags or kikes in them.

I just remember seeing the trailer back then and noticing how they just decided to ignore the fact that she's infected so she can kiss the ugly girl. I kinda assumed she'd be really against contact of all kind what with her being a carrier.

No. It's more pure lesbians shit

This guy right here is definitely going to be trans in the future.

You know it's bad when the joke 'WOMEN AREN'T FUNNY' is the only funny joke in the show