Is this the most unsafe country in Europe? I went there and it was like a warzone at night

Is this the most unsafe country in Europe? I went there and it was like a warzone at night.

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Yeah, it's pretty horrendous. No wonder their police resort to pepper spray for the most minor of disturbances kek.

It's probably Ukraine

French police beat the shit out of local workers on strike but let Nafris commit robberies in broad daylight

>that flag
ok i'm ready to have even more russian propaganda shoved down my throat. do your worst op

Imagine falling for memes so much, based paranoid retard
There are no unsafe countries or even cities in Europe. Even "shitholes" like Malmo or Marseille are peaceful utopias by world standards

you know what they say, "you're the average of the five people spend the most time with"

well here are the results...

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No, my flag is

France is one of the most unsafe because of mudslims, but the most unsafe is currently Ukraine.


not counting ukraine? either russia or sweden lel

Yes, I remember driving through Calais in 2014 and there were hordes of Somalians sitting on the wall next to the road looking in all the cars queuing up for the boat, police just stood around doing nothing, litter everywhere. Honestly a third world country

Yup it's a shithole. The hazard used to be contained in the north of Paris and Marseille but mandatory public housing law has spread the disease in every corner of the country. You aren't even safe in 2000 hab alpine towns
Based Peg

Watch as how they will blame this on us instead of blacks.

I hope you're not proud your 90 IQ is better than the negroes' 85 IQ, as if nafri weren't part of the problem lmao

baffling posts

Considering nafris make the top of in some of your schools I'd say I should be proud.

But I only have four friends...

Yeah some do well indeed, especially the Maghreb native middle class that's true.
Now if only that was them the problem, it's the rest of the hood rats that are posing problems.
Then again it's not you that's to blame since you're at home so eh, but it's not surprising that people judge your entire population by association with the millions of hoodlums in the suburbs

>it's the rest of the hood rats that are posing problems.
If it makes you feel better we hate them too, but what can you do?

We should just drop them into the desert and call it a day

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>France is more dangerous than Russia. A country with a murder rate several times the amount of France

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>spain bad
hilarious post, upvoted!!

But then they would just join the terrorists and become much more dangerous.

The Internet is serious and you should not joke around it.