Nathan for You

What were his best ideas?

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>Judy runs a small business making decorative face masks for doctors, nurses, dental hygienists and all forms of medical professionals

>The problem: Her business is limited to small local sales only, and growth has stagnated

>The solution: Create a world wide flu pandemic where every man, woman and child has to wear a facemask 24/7!


The Hero, Electronics Store, The Movement, and Dumb Starbucks were all great. He's genuinely great at manipulating people

>Donald Trump is best known for the apprentice, home alone 2, and angry tweets.

>The problem: his business doesn't get enough buzz

>The solution: run a fake presidency and tell everyone you're going to build a wall around mexico.

The one that comes to mind is convincing the retarded spic NPC to give away free tv's but only after the customer wears a tuxedo and goes through two doors, including one tiny one, and then to get past the guard alligator
Also based Wolfe security, of course.

The whole real mixed with fake of his show killed the joy. It was good for a few eps but then got old and predictable

The left can't meme

>the best part about the show is what ruined it
No, you're just retarded
Why would the show be more enjoyable if it was clearly fake you dumb fuck

TV store, man cave, gas rebate, the movement, the dating site enforcer

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My favorite moments are when he just rolls with the legitimately insane advice that the craigslist people come up with.

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The time when he exploited mentally ill people

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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

zoomlibs can't even realize he was known for his wealth and real estate business.

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It's crazy how it's been 7 years since 2015 and people are still making retarded Donald Trump jokes.

he can't make anything like nathan for you again. it's kind of sad

As long as it gets (You)s

The Hero is genuinely great.

>man cave
Crack that shit, man.

He produces How To With John Wilson which is kino and has a new show coming out with Benny Safdie and Emma Stone.

it's been 2 years user let it go

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