Jonahbros... we're back!

jonahbros... we're back!

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Poor guy, he looks tired.

Never left

lookin' fly boy ngl fr fr

lmao he looks like zach galifianakis

W magazine? Isn't that a women's magazine?

>that fluoride stare

jews start to look so much jewier the older they get

why is he always lobster red in every picture

Tired from sitting on his big fat ass?

Moonves. That name is familiar.

*Wikipedia search intensifies*

Father : Les Moonves. Ah so Jonah's bestie is another nepotism success story.

>...back to being fat and ugly?

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and what exactly is a woman in 2022?

adopting and exploring all those identities while trying to find himself has to be exhausting

how can you expect him relate to someone with callouses on their hands

i just knew he wasnt going to have any socks on. YOU FUCKING ANIMAL

>multitalented actor and director
>2x academy award nominee
>backround in skating
>rich as fuck
>loving, wonderful family
>pic related 10/10 cute girlfriend

uh remind me why Ornella "won" again?

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Is it healthy for him to keep bouncing like that?

Early life check?
Just kidding, there's no need

>that SSRI stare

dayum Jonah is dating Lia Thomas???

Why does he dress like such a slob? Surely he can afford to buy a jacket that fits, get his pants hemmed, and buy better shoes.

He's been lurking the sleazecore threads on /fa/

Well first of all this image on my computer screen has no smell which is surprising

he's a surfer now, can't dress like some square

oval shaped people can't dress like squares

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i always thought he was a decent supporting actor and deserved the accolades he got for some roles. that movie he directed was shit, he clearly has zero self-esteem and has tried to retcon his entire life. ngl i feel bad for him.