Paul Dano is one of the best actors on earth, but the "classic Paul Dano" meme has almost ruined him for me. Like...

Paul Dano is one of the best actors on earth, but the "classic Paul Dano" meme has almost ruined him for me. Like, I absolutely love him, I think he's incredible, and I would watch a movie just because he's in it, he's that good. But this meme is just SO STUPID, and means absolutely nothing, that I almost can't watch something with him in it, and see his face without just thinking in my head "...classic".

What does it even mean??? It's NONSENSE, and has nothing to do with him, whatsoever. It is literally the dumbest thing in the entire universe. Paul Dano did nothing to provoke it or anything, he has no control over it and has influenced it in no way. Fucking Any Forums is so dumb but damn it they live rent free in my brain. It's so absurd you almost have to respect it.

Attached: 1401896438345.jpg (220x242, 12.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>watching the batman
>think "classic" every time he shows up in it
>snickering and smiling at every scene he's in

Is “classic Paul Dani” known to normies now? Haven’t been in for a minute

I would define many of his performances as classic.

He's just a classic kind of guy how hard is it to understand

idk but this meme video on him made a few weeks ago references it and its got 500k views already

I watched Little Miss Sunshine the other day and the same thing was popping into my head every time I saw him.

>pretending to be some user who has come to hate the meme on Any Forums to get even more attention
CLASSIC Paul Dano move

Shill thread.

classic "classic paul dano"

Dano was possibly the most out of place part in The Batman

This. Give it a rest, Paul. Also, you just lost the game.

Attached: classic.jpg (2048x1365, 830.71K)



Attached: sAy9vl9.jpg (1538x1040, 445.1K)

paul is cute
i'm a girl, so i can say it

you will never be in London.

It's okay user, there's a feed and seed store near where I live and I laugh every time I see the sign.

>The power of the N word... on the tip of my tongue

>t. classic Paul Dano

he looks like a moon with a nose glued to it

i always confuse him for the kid from Spy Kids

>Paul was never formally hired for his part in 12 Years A Slave. The 28 year old actor arrived uninvited on set and began improvising, but his performance was so compelling that McQueen elected to include the footage in the final cut of the film.

Maybe? I can't explain how but he looks very intelligent and that's a big part of why I find him attractive.

he looks like a special needs twelve year old