A female fighter pilot was kicked out of the Italian air force after complaining about the bullying and shared this...

A female fighter pilot was kicked out of the Italian air force after complaining about the bullying and shared this picture.

Is it normal for female pilots to wear thongs?

Attached: 1648178479927.jpg (960x540, 121.36K)

what movie or television show was she on?

video of the haze
pretty funny

Attached: 1648178504083.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Sounds interesting, but this is Any Forums.

That's not a thong, it's a T back.

Why is final destination movies suddenly get popular among zoomers? did i miss the accident-kino brainwashing event?
or wait that's fine because of the question pretending to be interest in film?

If they can't handle this how can they handle people firing at them wanting to kill them? Or do women join the military in hopes of being raped by pakis.

That's kinda fucked. Those guys would get beat to death for that in the US Military


But why do they do this? Is it some kind of tradition?

>any chance to get their arses out

lol - fucking women can't handle mild BDSM

expect us to trust them in combat.

What is a white girl doing in Italy?

Who cares, she's ugly

She's a pilot. The closest she'll get to combat is committing a blue on blue.

you just know one of those guys hates women and put in some extra effort slapping her around

its not about handling, humiliation isnt needed on armies, thats only seen acceptable because americans have rotten themselves due to frat culture.
Soldiers need respect, cause they have to give their life to save the next soldier.
With that said, women shouldnt be in the army

Needing 20 guys to beat a small woman with a stick shows why the Italian military is a bunch of pussies who would get raped by pakis regardless.

Is this Starship Troopers or something? This isn't bullying, this is punishment/torture. Fucked up if they're just doing it for shits and giggles.

she's cute especially with braces. and now we know she has a nice figure

Ah yes the military that routinely covers up the rape of its own soldiers

These are Italians, retard. What does American "frat culture" have to do with anything in this video?

That's fucked up, but you can see that the two pilots holding her in the front are women too. I know in France you get a buckt of water thrown at you but the flogging is just sadistic. That being said, women have no business in the military, let alone as pilots. All these women who get there only got there because daddy is high officer. They all suck and end up instructors, because when you can't do shit, you teach it.

ramming her head into that thing in the end was pretty bad ngl
hands off the head during hazing

it's over womenbros...

Reminds me of lupercalia.

Do you guys think she enjoyed it?

>Now she is joining Ukrainian forces in their fight against the Russian invasion
wtf is this BS

Attached: ita.jpg (670x363, 69.27K)

Of course she did


The ghost of kiev has been found