Their country is so small, it's kinda cute

Their country is so small, it's kinda cute

Attached: Flag_of_Singapore.svg.png (800x533, 5.73K)

Do they eat pagpag?

I kneel

Attached: i-kneel-kneeling-vegeta.jpg (1919x1079, 281.65K)

Probably, you never know

Every Singaporean citizen is a millionaire la.

Stop killing our retards.

Attached: dindu.png (1025x921, 1.34M)

>protect tamil lives
this is what american media does to people. scary stuff.

I wish we get nuked one day,
and it takes the nuclear fallout spreads to malaysia

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It's ok but I'm not a fan of caning so

Check'd, it's happening.

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If you own a home in the US you're a millionaire.
Homeowners do not suffer

I pray that nukes become bigger and the wind blows northwards
I will gladly trade my life if it takes out malaysians in the process


Based PAP committee approved opinion, Calvin Leong.

Inshallah, one can only dream.

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waito piggus and chankoros get the rope
what makes this retard different other than being a curry nigger

I just cant imagine being sentenced to death by someone who would post minion memes on facebook.
>implying boomer judges don't

That's my basic opposition to the death penalty. The judgement is done by some normie cunt. But I would support it if all executions were streamed live.

tf is ur problem with 小黄人?

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barely heard anything from them
maybe SEA is just too peaceful

kek nothing personnel against those yellow cockroaches, just painting an idea to provide the gist of the absurdity of condemning someone to death.
Wouldn't it be a good idea if we took people who are menace to society away from said society and put them in an area where they are separated from the aforementioned society? Like a large centralised heavily guarded building, where they would spend time away contemplating their mistakes?

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I need sex