Is that it?

I've been watching this series out of order and it's becoming a little too samey. Everyone movie is LITERALLY the same thing.
>Jason kills off the last movie's protag
>New Campers show up
>"Protag" finds hints of Jason
>Most of them flirt and have sex
>Jason kills almost all of them in the night
>Clumsy chase scene
>They "kill" Jason for the 4th final time
>*Random nonsensical junpscare ending*
That's it. All added with the following
>Not a single noticeable person because of the terrible acting, lack of character arcs and uninteresting personalities.
>The overarching plot moves, but not by much.
>Script is extremely predictable
>Clunkiness of the movies itself (Teleporting, characters being in convenient places and questionable power scaling).

The only credit I can give this franchise is that I do like the settings and can get immersed in it. Camp Crystal Lake seems rather comfy outside the risk of death and all.

Attached: Friday_the_thirteenth1980.jpg (360x450, 42.58K)

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only the first 4 are the real franchise

part 5, 6 ,7 ,8,9 , 10 are like silly crazy fan fiction

freddy vs jason is my favorite

Check out the Nightmare on Elm Street series. Every movie is fascinating. Some standouts being 1, 3, New Nightmare, and Freddy Vs. Jason.

Yeah that's it. Just formulaic cookie cutter product for teenagers who didn't even really come to the drive in to watch the movie anyways

It's trash for boomers. Don't try to analyze it and come up with a reason to like if. If you want to know what kind of a person thinks these movies are good, look at James Roffle. This is who thinks these movies have any entertainment value and cultural significance.

>user discovers what movie franchises are

2&4 are felt the same. I actually like the later ones because they seem to try and change up the formula (8 takes place on a cruise)
Yeah it seems like it's just murder porn for people who don't want to admit to watching porn
This takes it to another level. These movies are quite literally the same thing with different faces. Even then, it's hard to remember the name of 98% of the characters

James basically said these movies are stupid

>These movies are quite literally the same thing with different faces.
Well, yeah. What's that famous Joe Bob Briggs quote about Friday the 13th? It was something like, "They've made the same movie 8 times now, that takes talent!"

That's the Slasher genre for ya. I still enjoy watching the Ft13th series, though.

The whole franchise was worth it just to hear Patrice O'Neal recount the entire thing from memory, off the cuff, when someone once mentioned Jason Takes Manhattan.

This too. Nightmare's a really interesting series. The first one's a legit unique little horror classic with a couple of flaws but the rest of the series just goes in all kinds of directions. Not all of them good, mind. 2's famously gay as fuck, 5's a complete mess and 6's a bad spoof of itself but the rest of them are really interesting. Shit even the gay one's really interesting if not particularly scary, or good.

Forgot the Patrice video:

Attached: 820e9d_patriceoneal.jpg (1200x1200, 832.91K)

It's always a good day to see film dorks get filtered by the Chaddest slasher.

Nightmare is even worse. At least Friday the 13th is cheesy fun and its formula is decent. Meanwhile Nightmare on Elm Street felt annoying to watch after 1.

people only watched it for tits

It's hilarious how Patrice calls the heart demon "a bug". I miss him so much bros.

I had never seen the first entry in the series until recently, and the twist of who the killer was actually got me, I never saw it coming because I was expecting Jason in a hockey mask. And then the bit at the end actually scared the shit out of me. It's a good movie.

Nightmare on elm street is really disappointing
First is great. Second is honestly solid despite being extremely gay, third first half is good then it goes down hill and the series never recovers

My favorite line has to be: "Hey man, don't unthaw him because his evil stretches through time." Just the way he says it has me rolling everytime.

Jason Takes Manhattan has my favorite opening, I love the late 80s cheese rock. But Jason in New Blood is the ultimate visual form of Jason. He has the battle scars and wear & tear of his past films.

4 is where the franchise begins actually.

>and it's becoming a little too samey. Everyone movie is LITERALLY the same thing.
Now imagine if they made 50 of them and everyone wasted 200-250 millions on each one. And everyone of them flooded the interend 24/7 and nothing else had ar to breathe


The MCU isn't remotely the same movie. I never understood this meme