How bad is the sugary drink addiction mexicans???

how bad is the sugary drink addiction mexicans???
i see news articles but do u drink a lot urself or people that u know??

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it's more common with lower class people

extemly bad, we have a lot indigenous comunnitys addicted to that shiet, to the point that some ude them for rituals and even small conflicts beetwen communitys just for the dominion of one drink or another, some communitys barely drink water cus cola is a lot cheaper sometimes

what about u and ur family

We stopped buying so much coke to get enough money to pay for my uncle after he got kidnapped

average mexican breakfast

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I barely drink a bottle of no sugar coke a week and that's it. I would feel like shit drinking it every day, even more so the regular coke.

I drink nothing but water and beer, dont have that problem

how different is mexican cola to american cola

barely drink it, only for partys or reunions, but mostly stick to water

theirs is 100% corn syrup, ours is sugar + syrup

sugar cane is used in ours

I don't like sugary drinks at all, I drink water and black coffee only.
I did drink coke regularly back in my teenage years though but I stopped at some point.
A lot of people I know drink soda on a daily basis and they think I'm a fag or pretentious for drinking plain water every single time. My brother even gets mad at me when I tell him to lower the quantities of coke he drinks and tells me I have an addiction with coffee so I can tell him shit. He's right but still I don't think coffee is as bad.

Like us, Mexicans use actual sugar and syrup. Mutts use chemical sweeteners like aspartame and corn syrup, which is why theirs tastes like shit.

Just your average mexican moment


what does the government do against the addiction

Wtf see this is why USA is still first world. Not often that people get kidnapped here.

They put stamps on it to indicate people the high amounts of sugar the drink has but at the end of the day nobody gives a fuck about it.

campaings againts obesity and incress taxes of sugary drinks, but the adicction is extrem on most parts of mexico

I drink sweet milk tea all the time