Am I autistic?

I'm starting to question whether or not I'm autistic because of this piece of shit Halo TV show.
Every time I try to explain that the show utterly fails in key aspects that are crucial to being a good and entertaining show it seems like Im speaking a different language. Shot direction, set design, dialogue, pacing, choreography, acting, direction, world building and development, character development, fuck just visual communication in general, this show fails at it all and more. Yet in every discussion I've read about this show good or bad, none of this is brought up. Its all about how this that or the other isnt present or different from the games, how Keyes is black now but man that gore is super cool guys!!
None of that shit matters when on so many fundamental levels this show sucks massive chode. None of the events in this first episode have any weight or meaning because nothing has been established or set up to tell the viewers what is happening and why, its just random people getting murdered by aliens then some military organization getting cranky that some random soldier isn't following orders. In terms of the show, we don't know who these people are, what their motivations are, or what the fuck is happening in general, and these is made doubly worse because the show makes no attempt to communicate any of these ideas through the things I listed above.
Yes, Ive played the games, I know who Chief is, I know the innies, I know what the covenant is, etc, but the show in its first episode has just plucked these ideas and concepts into its little sandbox and fucked them together in a horrific car crash in hopes that something that makes money will come out the other side.
Yet somehow I've seen people say they enjoy this piece of trash? Are they blind? Too stupid to understand what they're watching isn't good? Or are they just so jaded from their day to day lives that they don't have standards for what they consume anymore?

Or is it just that I'm autistic?

Attached: Halo-TV-Series.jpg (1912x1275, 179.88K)

Well OP. Ya see. Halo? It was never good.

The general population is just a lot dumber than you
Even people whos job it is to analyse this stuff are really dumb

>normies shooting at bad guy
>1000s of shots landed but none penetrate their shield
>Master Cuck shoots same bad guy with the same fucking gun
>penetrates shield bad guy’s head explode in cool looking headshot sequence
Can someone explain this shit to me and why does it keep on happening? I mean I play halo and I know why the NPC doesn’t do any damage, but why translate this into the fucking show?

sounds like autism to me

They don't care about the quality or source material. It just has to be good enough to kill their time with.

Attached: High Charity.webm (1920x960, 1.9M)

to me, the "believe" advertisements from Halo 3 era were the peak of any cinematic halo possiblity. no point in making a show after that, really

The first 1000 shots weakened the shield. Chief's bullets finished it off.

most people are just passive consuming viewers so all that stuff doesn't even register except maybe in a dim way they aren't equipped to articulate.

Idk about autistic, but you're clearly passionate about that movie/franchise, and on the other hand, the producers of the tv-series just want to make a profit of the source material, they don't care about how true the show is to the source material.

So clearly, there is a conflict of interests here, you want the tv-show to be accurate, the producers just want to make money of Halos name.

Fans getting upset about producers not respecting the source material is obviously common, this is not an issue with Halo in particular, it happens when many books/games get turned into movies.

I would seriously recommend you go to Any Forums and watch anime and read manga, it's a whole lot satisfying than consuming western entertainment.

Don’t these shields regenerate?

Yeah, this is one of the many reason why I think it's poorly made. Sure, it's plausible what said is the case, but it doesn't explain how the rebels were unable to down a single Elite without the help of the Spartans, and also implies to some degree that Master Chief's shields are somehow better than the covenant ones. And even if this is the case, the show does a very poor job at communicating it.

Not under a constant stream of machine gun fire.

You're not autistic, you're just a above 95 IQ and interested in films.

I barely post about serious stuff here anymore because it's a school run by delinquent school children.
And talking about hobbies on reddit is also pointless because it's a school populated by actors paid to be children.

Anyway, I felt very similar to the Witcher - it was painfully fucking bad from a story telling perspective. I knew the characters but I didn't know the show characters and never learnt who they were. Terrible.

yeah. Seek mental help.

>how Keyes is black now but man that gore is super cool guys!!
>None of that shit matters when on so many fundamental levels this show sucks massive chode.
they couldn't even get the casting right, of course everything else is shit too
it's like going to watch that movie where john wayne plays the role of Genghis khan knowing john wayne has been massively miscast and yet expecting all the other aspects to not be trash either.

Yea in that scene some covenant took like a thousand rounds from a mini gun. Then literally a few minutes later when MC picked up the minigun he was able to mow them down by the truckloads.

I think part of the reason why I feel the Halo show is lacking in so many aspects is because I'm already invested in anime, particularly the older stuff where there's so many scenes that ooze atmosphere and character from things like shot direction, lighting and colour choices, perspective etc. that amplify the story far beyond what a script could convey.

Yeah I had similar feelings to the Witcher when I watched it, and was dumbstruck when people I know said it was good. I don't think it's Halo series level of bad, but it certainly could have been a lot better.

So it runs off video game logic where Master Chico is the only one who can kill enemies

People around me enjoyed it and I can see why from their point of view but I'm tired of unintentionally raining on their parade so I'll just deny ever watching it.

Shill bullet points.
1. Halo was never good
2. People I know TOTALLY like it

no one who isn't invested in the halo franchise cares. this includes the people who made the show.

no one with an IQ over 90 gives a shit about halo. so anyone who doesn't give a shit about halo, sees this halo show, and thinks "wow that looks just like halo. pass."

halo was constantly criticized for being responsible for a massive and sudden dumbing down of video games, shooters especially. granted, it was mostly just "right place right time," as at the time there was huge pressure to dumb down video games, so people like you would start buying them.

In the game the grunts are perfectly capable of taking down enemies, it's just that they're bad at protecting themselves and focus firing