Seriously, why does this guy cause so much seething? He just gives his opinions on movies...

Seriously, why does this guy cause so much seething? He just gives his opinions on movies, he's not even half as pretentious as most online critics.

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He’s a huge smartass

he fucks dogs

Hound Pounder

because he couldn't patch things up with Mark and gave up on the only good content he had going

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If he's such a good movie reviewer, why is he spending more time streaming on twitch all day and trying to monetize his food and gaming channels instead of reviewing bad or niche movies?

Sheeple follow the bandwagon.


He makes chuds here seethe for stating the obvious, that giving pleasure to an animal is certainly morally justifiable in a culture where torturing it, skinning it alive and eating it is commonplace. For his opinions on that matter, chuds have crucified him on his (entirely unrelated) movie opinions as well.
The recent drama about him "not watching" movies was just another chud spergout because they cannot conceive of a loving relationship between two living beings, as they have not had one themselves.

He only seems to review movies he's actually interested in, which is fine by me
His sexual deviance is appalling, however

Daily reminder you literally have no argument against him so you shout out buzzwords. It's really kinda cringey.

canine canoodler

> giving pleasure to an animal is certainly morally justifiable in a culture where torturing it, skinning it alive and eating it is commonplace.
He’s got his cart before the horse. Just because we kill animals doesn’t mean anything else you want to do to them is good. And the main thing is he’s obviously doing it because he’s horny, he doesn’t care about these animals except as sex partners

He doesn't. It's so easy to mock. You don't have to seethe to mock a bloated bloviating lolcow like YMS.

Fuck you don't (You) me ever again you disgusting faggot

He is a reprobate sodomite



I heard this guy sucks dog dicks.

>he's not even half as pretentious as most online critics.
You're right about that, just not in the way you mean.

More like he’s got his dick before the horse’s mouth

His voice is genuinely gross, he's not half as knowledgeable as he thinks he is and the only thing more bloated than his youtube content is his weird red face.

canine coddler

>he's not even half as pretentious as most online critics.
That's a good point actually, why are most online "critics" pretentious and cynical? Most of them act like they give divine insight on the thing they review (whether it's a movie, game, comic etc), but they mostly regurgitate lame normalfag opinion that boil down to "didn't like thing so thing bad". It's all mostly destructive critisism that's meant to bring something down. Even when they provide alternatives, they are almost never constructive, because what they provide only makes the product better for them personally (and maybe a few others). Since when did a critics personal enjoyment became an objective metric of quality?

he's moviebob tier

He’s not as good as he thinks he is and he’s bad at taking criticism