It’s time for killer Croc to be the main villain

It’s time for killer Croc to be the main villain

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Croc is a fucking retard, he’d make for a shitty main villain because he and Batman could never battle wits

Why don't they just let him live in the sewers?

Croc always gets fucked over and no one cares

The Croc episode with Harvey Bullock and with Baby Doll were both fucking kino - neither of which had much Batman. Croc befriending the circus episode was based too.

DC sucks. But I'll take any villain besides the 4-5 bad guys they keep rebooting/reusing.

Was thinking he would be great for a sequel character for b plot villian and main villain is Firefly.

croc could be portrayed as a tragic circus freak which is what he is but they never really drive home the tragedy of his situation

Firefly is being wasted on Batgirl (negroid). So is Michael Keaton Batman. Yup. They'd rather do a black female Batman Beyond than Terry McGuiness. And we're supposed to still support DC?

FUCK THAT. They've gone fully woke and I'm sick of it. Marvel won, because besides that Thor character and Kang, they've been easy on the niggerwashing. DCfags need to apologize tho.

>Firefly is being wasted on Batgirl (negroid)
damn that's a real sha-
>brendan fraser
sign me up


I'd take Fraser as a Firefly in Batman Beyond though as long as we get a gender swapped Paxton Powers starring Kiki.

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for me it's Croczilla

I'm gonna fire up Arkham Asylum. Croc was kino in that and I think it would make a great film.

He was scary in Asylum

Mary Jane is black. Flash Thompson is an ugly zoomer. Miles Morales is the next spider-man. Two men kiss in Eternals. Black Panther. Marvel is down the drain too. But DC's stories are slightly better.

>And then I threw I rock at him!

>tfw you'll never experience live action clock kino

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>Gotham is flooded.

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That was Batman in a Croc suit

He can't carry a movie as a primary antagonist, he's more likely to be a pawn being used by the main villain.

Not with the muh realism thing

In fairness it was a big rock.

Based Croc will become king of Gotham now

If we got Afflecks Batman in Arkham movie we probably could have had a horror segment with this.

Yeah, he's always being used as a henchman anyway. Would be a great opportunity for Batman to show his more empathetic side.

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Came here to post this

oh no no no

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his design in arkham asylum was perfect. i don't know why they would change him into a dinosaur for arkham knight.

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