Do asians (i.e. asian americans, asian canadians etc) really hate living in the west as much as they say...

Do asians (i.e. asian americans, asian canadians etc) really hate living in the west as much as they say? I feel like we have failed you.

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Not your problem, if they don't like it they can fuck back to Ching Chong land. But they won't, even a completely zombified CCP shill will never move to PRC.

you're communicating with the Asians who failed enough in life to be on this board with us
of course the average normalfag asian in the west doesn't hate it

they only say that cause china is poppin now

>Do asians (i.e. asian americans, asian canadians etc) really hate living in the west as much as they say? I feel like we have failed you.
Either concern troll, or doesn't go outside.
Asians wouldn't come west for business, academic, or quality of life reasons if we were failing them. It's not that our societies don't have problems that need addressing, but rather your question is stupid.

Racist attacks are sky-rocketing, if they can't go outside without being assaulted by some schizo then its a failure

It's ricecels
Most socially normal Asians don't mind it outside of instances of racism that are typically only prevalent in either poor parts of major cities or in bumfuck nowhere where nobody's seen an asian person before.

I like living in america, but there's to much diversity and I would prefer it if it were an ethnostate.

Just find an ethnic enclave with your brand of asian, its the next best thing

what the fuck are you talking about? Show me something to show racist attacks are "sky-rocketing"

> I would prefer it if it were an ethnostate.
Me too. I'd love it if you left and went back to China/Japan/korea/etc (but left your sister/aunts/et al here lmao.)

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I don't mind it at all. I'd rather live here than in the East. Though I should say that Asian men do have it hard in the West.

Your life would have been infinitely better in Asia. Your parents betrayed you.

I grew up in China and my family came here with nothing.
It's been nothing but love from everyone here. I just come on here when I'm bored. We have alot of larpers as leafs and americans who are actually indians i've noticed.

So no. Opposite really.

I am Asian American. It's not that bad. I earn a lot of money. I don't like white people but I can almost avoid them entirely outside of work.

I'm Chinese and I worship Moses

This tbdesu

Just the US. Everywhere else in the west is ok in my book.

t. Former Cringe Fil-am who went home to take advantage of my people.

Either they are some soft bitch born here who likes to whine or some larper.
If they think life is bad as an asian in America, they would get work camped in china in a month just for venting online for an hour, then they'd turn into 100 skeletons living off a 500 calories of rice a day until their heart starts fucking up, then once they can't work they'd get booted back out.
Once the dissidents hearts get fucked up they are deemed less dangerous. that's the entire point besides free labor. They can't physically do much besides just work and sleep for years if not forever.
that's why I am happy my family got here.

not in my experience. my cousin from s.korea is desperate to get a job here after he gets his degree so he can stay in the us instead of go back to korea.
>I don't like white people
but why

You are a bootlicking cuck

because I love America and hate the tyranny that is china?

Because they're dumb, fat and racist

you sound weak, dumb and racist.

stop being a fag for attention

None of the Asians I know complain about things locals don't complain about. But then again, none of the Asians I know are incels

It doesn't matter what the conditions are in China. We are Asian Americans, not people living in China. It's not whining to complain about being treated like second class citizens here

Genuinely curious as a black guy, but what kind of hate do you guys get? Because it's pretty common in poor black communities to have a very strong mentality of the system being outright against us, and to be fair there are a fairly decent number of racist old white dudes in powerful positions ready to sweep us to the side. Do you guys get the same treatment or is it different?

I've never been treated like a second class citizen. Neither has my family even when we arrived with nothing. I couldn't even speak english very well. Everyone helped us out.

You sound like a little bitch who can't make friends and get laid, then blames everyone else for it after you spend to much time on the internet.

Fuck off. I'm done.

He's what we asians call "a whiny little bitch". Nothing is his fault. He can't own up to his own faults and fix them. So he escapes online over and over again.
I do have to get to sleep.