When will Anglos give this back to Spain

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Why they wan't that?

To shag the monkeys

Anglos are greedy bloody basterds sir

Es lo mismo que con las Falklands. Los politicuchos populistas le dan bola para atraer boomers.

dont be a traitor user
gibraltar is cucking you indirectly as well as a citizen of your country

Aca a la mayoria de boomers les da completamente igual esas boludeces del sur. Y ni hablar de los jovenes entre 16 a 30 años, que les importa mucho menos.
Literalmente le importara al 1 o 3% maximo en este pais.

this is why argentina is going to shitter
brits arent self hating cucks and they are rich
you need at least some pride to make things work


Gibraltar literally won WWII.
It would be extremely stupid giving up such strategic point in Europe.

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they should take back with force same with italy and malta

No one care about 2 tiny shit in middle of nowhere. We just wan't to have a normal life on a normal country. And not in this shitty Mussolini model that made the pedo dictator of Peron

speak english dickheads

>two hispan will speak on english
STFU Mr. Bean

you are correct nobody cares about those isles the problem is that they are strategic position by enemy nations to the detrimental on your own

Lo peor es que los hijos de puta no paran de expandir el territorio artificialmente. Hoy Gibraltar es muchísimo más grande que hace cincuenta años, a base de meter arena y tierra donde antes había mar.

Hate when those cunts start doing that in an English-speaking thread and then I have to go through the effort of opening up Google Translate to translate their baboon speak.

Chupem-me a gaita espanhóis de merda, hipócritas do caralho

9 June 1815 – The Portuguese delegation to the Congress of Vienna, led by Pedro de Sousa Holstein, succeeds in including article 105 in the Final Act (aka the Treaty of Vienna), stating that the winning countries are to endeavour with the mightiest conciliatory effort to return Olivenza to Portuguese authority. The Spanish representative to the Congress, Pedro Gomes Labrador, refuses to sign the Treaty, registering a protest against several of the Congress resolutions, including article 105.
27 October 1815 – Expecting the quick restitution of Olivenza, Prince Regent John nominates José Luiz de Sousa as Plenipotentiary.
29 January 1817 – Portugal occupies Uruguay due to rebel threats against Brasil.
7 May 1817 – Spain finally ratifies the Treaty of Vienna.
1818–1819 – Spain and Portugal, with the mediation of France, the United Kingdom, Russia and Austria, negotiate in the Conference of Paris toward a peaceful restitution of Uruguay to Spain. Spain accepts the terms of an agreement proposed by the mediators but due to internal problems and the Liberal Revolution in 1820, actions never took place.

They can keep it

were in england so speak english !! bloody fuming…. worlds gone mad…..

Argentina has no enemies. Argentina only fought 3 wars on his entire history: WWII, Falkland War and Gulf War
+100 years of existence, and only 3 wars and a lot of civil wars

STFU Mr. Bean