When did you grow out of your anti-American phase?

When did you grow out of your anti-American phase?

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It's more like I stopped being a European obsessed redditor and realized being 3rd world is actually superior.

in my 20s

when I embraced the spirit of 76' and read all the federalist and anti-federalist papers.

I also grew out of my anti-French phase at the same moment. God Bless America and Vive la Republique!!

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not yet

When I was 19 and went to the US for the first time
In my mind Americans went from "evil" to "those weird guys on the other side of the atlantic"

So you just visited NYC?

I watched a bunch Reddit text to speech videos about foreigners visiting america and they all though americans we're nice

Yeah but I also went to DC, San Fransisco and bumfuck nowhere in West Virginia
They are all odd in their own way

I will grow out of it when America grows out of their imperialism.

I grew into it

Never, you are only becoming more disgusting every day

I realized that America is older than any European country

I'm antiamerican only on Any Forums to troll you.

this is an American planet

When I met an American QT
But then she broke my heart and I hate you all again


i'm slowly turning anti-american after my slightly mentally ill american father, turned completely batshit insane post 2016.
why are american boomers so fucking retarded?
still want to visit the US tho.

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I live in Washington, DC. Why didn’t you come and visit me?

It’s a result of the longest running and effective Russian disinformation campaign in history. It literally started back in the late 1990s with the complete infiltration of the NRA/gun lobby and conservative talk radio.

The internet troll farms Russia established in the early 2010’s just kicked it into gear.

I say the same thing about yuros every morning as I'm brushing my teeth. For yuros that don't know, that is a brush you use to clean your teeth.

I love america and I'm tired of pretending otherwise