Incredibly powerful character is gimped as soon as they join the party

>incredibly powerful character is gimped as soon as they join the party

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They couldn't have him fighting in any significant battles because he was a Saban original character, and didn't have stock footage of him with the rest of the rangers

wait, was all power rangers just clips from other shows?

From the Sentai they are taken from yes.

Yeah. Did you really not notice that the yellow ranger in the original US run was clearly a fucking man?

even the movie? dang
I was 6

>even the movie
Which movie? The Mighty Morpin one? I don't think it was.
The more recent revamp movie thing? That was all original.

Attached: GorengertoGokaiger.jpg (920x518, 244.74K)

yeah mighty morphin with the goo guy

>even the movie
I think the original movie was 100% American as the yellow ranger is suddenly a woman for all the suited scenes, but for the TV show they bought rights to the fight scene and villain footage then just overdubbed it and shot live action scenes with the American actors to establish a semblance of continuity.

Nah the movie was all American footage, which is why it looks so fucking shit. Still kino though

You can really notice the difference between Japanese and American footage in the first two seasons of MMPR. The first season is pretty much entirely Japanese, but the second had to film a lot of new footage because Saban didn't yet want to change the Rangers' suits, which Sentai was already doing from season to season.
The suits in S1 are real sleek and shiny, where as in S2 they're a little more rough around the edges and sorta homemade looking (the gloves are real bulky, you can see the stitching around the diamonds on their chest, etc).
The big difference is Rita's palace though. In S1 it's really darkly lit and feels more cinematic, where as in S2 it's brightly lit from all angles and looks like a sitcom set

i cant believe i didnt know this. Any other shows that did this?

Pretty much all of those post-power rangers power rangers "rip-off" shows were done the same way. VR Troopers, Masked Rider, etc.

MXC is basically the same formula. Bought rights to a bunch of Takeshi's Castle episodes and did their own comedy overdub in english.

Nah that was all original.

Oh and Tommy was so popular they brought him back and used the Kibaranger suit from Dairangers because it resembled Mighty Morphin's.
In the Sentai, the Green Ranger.. Burai? He died.

I never really got into power rangers as a kid. No wait, yea I did, never mind. Forget what I said.

Power Ranger director went to Japan and studied how Sentai was made. They were surprised how fast the Japanese shoot and how little prep they need.

How did you not know this? I honestly thought it was common knowledge even in the 90s


he's the ultimate badass, but Sopranos is a drama not an action show, and the guy can barely speak english. it's not like they're gonna set aside time so he can beat a bunch of people up collecting money every week like it's a Batman fight.

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I was also 6 or 7 and had no clue.. my mom told me Saban was some jew from the middle east and that the people in the suits weren't the American actors but I didn't belive her