He was only 27 when he played Joker

>He was only 27 when he played Joker.

why did he seem so much older?

Attached: hlj.jpg (620x373, 52.91K)

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Superman was only 25

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its the scars. and wrinkles on the forehead. and receding hairline.

Because he aged like dogshit. Ledger was the first man to hit the wall before 30.

He realized there is no point in living life on earth past 30; one last big role, to immortalize him in history.

27 years of >no gf will do that to a man

He could have fucked that coal burning bull dyke Julia Styles

the fuck, I thought for sure you were lying
Thought so every other time I saw this thread too, looked it up to call you out and it's fucking true

he was 19/20 in 10 Things I Hate About You.

because zoomers (like you) are so pumped full of hormones and processed crap that they are used to people looking like teenagers until their 30s. Men used to look like men. Get off the internet, go outside, and get some sun, dumb dumb zoom zoom.

Because the character is older and 27 year olds usually don't look like that and also don't have their lives figured out

Coke, booze, sun exposure, and genes

i'm a millennial tdk is too scark for zoomers

>here's that 25 year old kid I was telling you about
Looks like my dad when he was 55.

and smoking, weed, stress, and HFCS

My card....

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>Here, Xmaica Red.
Who was Red? Was that the Italian guy,'s secret callsign (spaghetti sauce)?

joker isn’t racist. im not even memeing btw like it’s straight up in the comics. sooooo stupid pic

He had a stronger jawline

If we ever get scarlet letter'd in society we have to make wearing N's instead of A's happen.

10 things i hate about you was not part of the snyderverse

because you were 3

Yeah I’d like that. It would make punching racist assholes a lot easier.

I will never stop saying Nigger, and when I'm not saying it; I'm thinking it.
What do you think about that?

look up the 27 Club

This race shit wasn't a problem 15 years ago when white people weren't being hideously attacked constantly by all forms of media and legislation.

I think the internet is different than real life and when you’re not hiding behind a screen you’ll mumble and cry. On the off chance I hear you say the word, I’ll tuck my thumb in my fist and swing hard.

>you call me a nigger and ill act like a nigger!
yeah you really showed him, fucking stupid nigger

>I’ll tuck my thumb in my fist and swing hard.
you dont want to do this
its actually more effective to tuck your thumb between your index and middle finger when punching

shut up bitchboy go colonize the mayo factory lmao

>I’ll tuck my thumb in my fist and swing hard.
we've already been over this

ill be colonizing your mama tonight, boy

only white trash randomly instigates strangers with insults

Because you and everyone on this board were 14-17 at the time

>>He was Ohn Lee, 27, when he played Joker
He doesn’t look Asian?

>he say mean word
this is you

only a nigger would react with violence to such an obvious instigation. only a nigger would potentially throw away the rest of his life over thirty seconds of rage in order to prove some cracker wrong, or something. fact of the matter is if being called a nigger makes you react like a nigger, then youre a nigger.

There are plenty of racist people you can find and you've punched zero because you're a coward

27 years old, 27 comments, my post will have last two digits of 27

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dont niggers attack elderly whites and chinks completely unprovoked? nigger scum

You have to admit he looks at least 40 in the movie

Listening to the way Ledger behaved, talked etc. in interviews, he definitely always seemed older than his age. Also got married and had a kid at like 24.

Meanwhile I'm a KHV at 29.