/bbc/ Big Brother Canada 10

HOH: Geno
Noms: Kyle & Jess

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damn kevin

gino put up a kyle? wow

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cmon kev win ittttt

I can't post until I watch the ep so I don't get spoiled
But I'll be in to shitpost soon

HoH winner:


get fucked moose or hermon

they are safe because it is against jess' beliefs to nominate a POC. Gino and Marty it is

with kevin as a renom because he is sketchy

This is Kevin's HoH. Megane nakamas stay together.

It'll be Gino and Hermon. They both put them up.

I have a bad feeling this will be the case bros
Surely the POV won't be used again though

that would actually be best strategy

and jess will not do it

>using someone's chosen pronouns on /bb/

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Plural Aesthetes >>> SingularCels

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>Moose's talk was a disaster

>implying a gamechad like jackson wouldn't respect a fellow contestant's preferred pronouns

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>kevin safe for another week
How does he even do it?

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He wouldn't if he was posting anonymously on /bb/

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So Jess won does this mean my boy Marty is going up?

By wearing suits, making Gino think he is funny, then gaining sympathy in the house because the guests thought the spaghetti punishment was pathetic instead of funny

He's mastered the art of the mist
If Ian were here his jaw would drop to the floor

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