This is too boring. How can they make battlebots better?

This is too boring. How can they make battlebots better?

Attached: F9759676-E508-4183-8440-22DD45DF2CDA.jpg (1200x675, 129.59K)

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Put child sacrifices in the arena

Make the robots fight midgets

Put children in the robots

Attached: 1469061236598.jpg (200x200, 11.51K)

Scratch that, drop the robots altogether.
Make children fight midgets and you’ve got yourself a shoe

You know what would be rad? Have gladiator fights between different kinds of animals, especially ones that would otherwise never meet in the wild like a grizzly vs a gorilla or a hippo vs polar bear

copy japan

Attached: %25E3%2581%25A7%25E3%2581%258D%25E3%2582%2593%25E3%2581%25AE%25E3%2581%258B30-3[1].jpg (1080x1080, 173.34K)

Lame, where are the saw blades and flamethrowers

fucking wedge

>add a raised platform on one side of the arena
>make intentionally flipping a bot out of the arena illegal

best show on tv

Attached: 1647194745808.webm (1920x1080, 1.61M)

Rusty got up and pwned Bitch Doctor right after this scene he just temporarily fell over into a defensive position

The Death of Rusty
press F to show respect

Attached: 1647194857045.webm (1920x1080, 1.61M)

Fake news, that is Rusty in defensive stance about to blow out Bitch Doctor to win the Giant Nut


ban any rotating drum or saw weapons
in fact, just get rid of wheels and treads altogether

Needs to be bigger. Bigger arena, bigger tires, faster vehicles. It needs more redneck unironically.

Not only is making a battlebot walk on two legs a technical nightmare, but there's no point in making a walking battlebot to begin with. Putting legs on a battlebot would raise its clearance, increasing its frontal projection area. It'd also be less stable. Suppose the legs help the bot travel debris-filled arenas... I don't see the logic in that. Isn't that what treads are for? I mean, anyone who'd seriously consider making a thing like that has got to be a wacko. ...Come to think of it, there was a guy in the States who wrote a paper on that subject. What was his name... Emerson? Heinrich? ...Something like that; I don't really remember. 'Course, no one took that seriously."

allow integrated firearms

Put dragon dildos on all the robots and have them fuck people. People.

Give it a gun

The real issue is that the most boring design was the most effective. It's like how bad MMA sucked when it was dominated by Jiu Jitsu. Sure it was an amazing martial art but jiu jitsu is a fucking boring sport to watch.

By getting rid of that fucking stupid raised area and going back to the open ring again so people can actually make use of driving skills.


It would be a lot cooler if it were a race that went on as long as there were robots in it

>Battlebots Wacky Races

no time limit

Definitely better than watching a fucking wedge pillow with a saw in it win everything all the time.

live ammunition