
>Hitman 2-1 this is Hitman Actual, stand by for thread. Interrogative.

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What the fuck did interrogative mean in the context they were using it?

"Having or conveying the force of a question."

This is hitman 2-2, solid copy

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why is this show being shilled so hard? did someone just get an hbo max password?

The thread we had the other day was fun so I made another one. Take your meds, its like 15 years old.

It's not always clear on the radio if someone is saying a statement or asking a question, since its just a change in tone of voice at the end. Easier if someone says "Interrogative", which means "I'm asking a question, not making a statement"

You don't really want to confuse "Is the enemy to the northwest?" and "The enemy is to the northwest"

>Complaining about a gk thread
Look at this whiskey tango

That user should be more like Trombley.

Millennial vet kino, fuck off to a Batman thread or something.

Any Forums has a large community of GK enjoyers, always had

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Why would anyone shill a tv show from 2008?

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Me and Brad had to spend three hundred bucks of our own money just fixing this thread up.

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It's okay if you think Rudy's hot. We all think Rudy's hot.

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after this show every military videogame started mimicking military comms speaking styles. "shit fucker actual ass rape non-factual how copy? we got fast movers in your six and hunter killer rpg teams 12 o'clock"

looking forward to the Russian remake taking place in Donbas

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this but about the redditor merc crew. It'll only be one episode though