Let's take a moment to appreciate Punisher War Zone

Let's take a moment to appreciate Punisher War Zone

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>let's appreciate capeshit

Piece of shit directed by a piece of shit woman.

The thomas jane one was infinitely better

They almost didn't even put the punisher logo on his outfit, the faded out look was a compromise

Best movie for sure. Felt like a comic book. The scene with the rocket launcher is absolute kino. Only good thing about the Thomas Jane film is the video game.

Jigsaw looked hilarious
still better than the kikeflix version THOUGH

Top 5 comic book movies ever made, blows every other Punisher out of the water especially the Basednisher on Basedflix


>Only good thing about the Thomas Jane film
Popsicle scene

Best punisher film by a MILE

netflix version he has a scar under one eye haha
very, very disrespectful


Show went from 6/10 to 1/10 moment i saw that shit

Pretty good film and the best Punisher we've had. Thomas Jane is too handsome, Dolph is Dolph(his film is the second best) and the new Jew is too Jewy. The Punisher is a character I'd be okay if they turned black or mexican but only if he hunts down blacks or mexicans. Originally he was a wop hunting down italian mobsters so it needs to be one of their gunning them down.

Generic shit, but the rocket launcher scene raises it to kino levels.

Based as fuck

I wanted to look up the original jigsaw to see if it was even close but no.
I can't watch season 2 after season 1. it is mostly muslim woman and cuckoldry

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Honestly, we need a Punisher film that has something like this in it

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everything outside of his apartment building was garbage

Did he have to call him a nigger at the end?

based punisher MAX user

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Should have called it Punisher BASED
gimme some Barracuda if ya got some

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